
Date: 1/11/2024

By alexwolfycat

I was going to an old friends party. AJ, TJ, and Brian were there among a few others. We were in a reserved cafe booth. It was very bright colored booths and they were all along one big wall. There’s a big table across the room and they had put cocaine on the table. I thought this was going to be a regular party not just a ‘let’s do nothing except cocaine’ party. I had no interest in trying it and i knew i had to leave fast or i would have to play it cool until the end of the party which could last until 4am or worse. I was already pretty tired at it was only 8-10pmish. I told them I wasn’t feeling good and wanted to go home, another guy who also wasn’t cool with the drugs said the same excuse and we both started walking to the parking lot to leave when one of my girl friends came up to us frantic and said “what are you guys doing?!, you need to stay or they’re going to freak out and kill you”. The guy next to me already got in his car and zoomed away super fast. I decided to go back inside the party because my car is full of flower stickers and half of the people at the party know me very well on a personal level so i figured for my safety I should just wait it out and stay and explain the situation to them that I’m not going to the authorities. When I was walking back, one of the drug users from the party that I had never met came up to me with an AK pointed towards me threatening to kill me. I was scared but I told him to chill and that i know everyone at the party and im coming back. We walked back to the party and TJ invited us to go in his dorm which is in the building right next door. We walked up the stairs into his dorm and his roommates had drugs and guns lying everywhere. I had to play it cool so they dont think i’m a snitch. I only want to make it out of here unharmed. While I was in TJs room, they were playing a misogynistic game with the girls guessing what kind of salary they have and they were saying 20k or 10k. I really wanted to speak up and say wtf I’m an engineer and i make 70k what are you guys on about? but i stayed quiet. The guys seemed to get more high and aggressive and I knew i needed to leave for my own safety. So i told them that again i wasn’t feeling good and wanted to leave. They protested while i ran out the door and into my car in the parking lot. They came out the building running towards me with their guns. I sped off to the entrance so I can leave the parking lot but it seems like they knew i was trying to leave because there was already a guy with a rifle blocking the entrance. I remembered what Ross told me at bible study, that if a man with a gun is blocking the road, don’t press the brakes, press on the gas. So I did what she said and i slammed the gas and I’m not sure if he was hit or not but I turned out of the lot and towards the red light. There were 3 more guys with guns out there and I knew they would shoot if i kept driving. I was scared and then I woke up. i’m guessing this dream is also caused by the armed robbery i fell victim to in guatemala city.