Japanese Hit Squad

Date: 10/23/2019

By theblazedace

You were in a meeting with a very tension high client. You were doing some weird thing with some sticks (sanding them down with other sticks) and you felt very anxious, knowing that at any moment things could turn dangerous and sour. You accidentally dropped and broke some of these sticks, and you apologized in Japanese. You knew you had fucked up, and you asked to be excused immediately. The Japanese ambassador said it was fine and allowed you to leave. As you walked out, multiple doors opened towards stairs, and you were already on the top floor. Men stepped out and pointing guns at you. You threw yourself over the railing of the balcony and jumped down to the first floor hurting yourself. You were being shot out as you sprinted towards the front door. A man was just loading his revolver as you were sprinting up and he didn’t have time to close the cylinder, you grabbed the gun, and briefly struggled with him, I managed to close the cylinder, turn the gun at him, and fire at his face. You then took the gun, and sprinted out the front door. You are now in an area that resembled Disneyland, some type of theme park. You knew that there would be agents looking for you everywhere. You hid the gun under your arm as you walked through the area. Trying to hide, you wandered around trying to find a safe exit that wouldn’t draw any attention. The men were everywhere, and you saw them and tried to evade them. They were in plainclothes, they were police officers, they were everywhere. You eventually found a way out of the complex into a parking lot. You were hiding in ditches, ducking and bobbing through areas after people walked by. You made it to one of your Fiero‘s, and you notice that they had stacked boxes all around your vehicle so that it couldn’t run, and all inside of it so that you couldn’t even get in. You ran off to find one of your other cars. You found your other Fiero, and the same issue was there. You couldn’t get in, it had been blocked by boxes and debris. At this point you felt so hopeless so you just ran off. Eventually you found yourself in a swampy area with lots of water and wooden bridges that looked like Freestone neighborhood. Everyone you saw was a potential enemy. At this point you felt safe enough to pull out your phone and call the police, knowing that this might only draw the enemy’s attention. The 911 operator seemed completely disinterested but said that they would send police. Once the officer got there, he rolled his window down and pointed a gun at you. You immediately turned around and started sprinting away as shots fired behind you. You got out of his line of sight, and jumped into the swampy water. You found an area that was under one of the bridges with just enough room to stick your nose above the water and breathe while you hid under the murky water as people went by looking for you. You waited there until morning. You remember, within the dream, waking up and realizing that your foot was sticking up out of the water and being terrified that someone would see. When morning finally came you pulled yourself out of the water and began to run away. You knew it had been about a day and that the enemy is most likely thought that you were either hiding, or had escaped. You continued to run and avoid people until you made it to a government compound. In this compound, you were able to stay for a few days while things settled down. Then, it seems like things fast forwarded a bit, because you were at a meeting and Mark George was there for some reason explaining things. You were still so scared and so worried because of what happened, but Mark ended up explaining that a Japanese terrorism cell had been identified and had infiltrated our business and our society. At this point you broke down crying, because you were so relieved that people finally knew what was happening, and that they were taking action. Mark went on to explain that they had arrested dozens of them, and showed us a map of the tactical assault and areas of operation that these individuals had in place. In tears I began explaining my ordeal and what I went through to survive. Mark stated, that they knew what had happened but couldn’t go public with it until they had taken down these individuals. He also explained that there may be more of them out there, but the initial threat is over and that I would be guarded from here on out. I remember being so scared and relieved at the same time. Then I woke up.