Halo Reach style Fighting, Encouragement and Scolding from a Lt. Col.

Date: 10/5/2019

By AJacobs

There was essentially a Halo Reach Multiplayer game in semi real life type thing. People looked like Elites (Sanghelli), The outside edges of the map were many levels of lots of corridors and doors, very space hulk esque. The middle may have had a sort of courtyard. This combat went on for a while. I know my brother was taking part too I think. There were almost assassinations (beat down from the back) but never quite. LTC Jajack was there. Then we were jogging up and down a room and he told me to sprint. I go faster, he comments I'm only running (not sprinting). He says we are going to need to have two Company Commanders to keep things organized. I ask confirming that and only one 1SG, but I stumble through saying PSG and something else before 1SG. He essentially scolds me saying, "That's what I said, right?" He disappears I guess and I find myself in my living room at home. I go looking through boxes and things. I believe I woke up shortly later.