A secret agent with her son fighting disorders and crocodiles

Date: 1/20/2019

By LucyElla

I was with a group of people we all we're packed in a car park sort of think that was surrounted by grass and had a florist infrount of it I didn't know many of them personally but the trip took a turn so I began to start knowing them. A few things had happned that I can't remember but it started raining and we all had big umbrellas up which was handy because this small dragon/dinosaur came flying towards the camp it had a big beak like mouth with sharp teeth so I shouted at everyone they had to cover their face with tgr umbrellas and lay down on the floor really still they all listened untill it started to walk away then some people started talking I tried to tell them to be quiet but they didn't care, the dinosaur came flying back everyone scrambled back to the floor but they went quiet enough and wouldn't listen to me so it grabbed a lady infrount of me then a man's arm I kept trying to tell people what to do to make it go away the dinosaur then grabbed my umbrella with it's teeth so I got up and ran suddenly I was a secret agent with a son, and I knew her back story she had a son who was 13 and her husband left saying he needed to sort something out after their marriage but didn't come back. She was fighting a croccatile who could talk but he wouldn't talk to her she then noticed the crocodile had a son who looked a bit like a strange soft dear she went into a building that had a sort of cage so she distracted the crocodile and took his soon putting him in the cage when the crocodile relised he came bursting in the room i left the door open but for some reason the son couldn't get out, I was ontop of the cage and once the crocodile went on I could close the door but he knew something was wrong so wouldn't he then put just his head in the cage so I closed it anyway and he saw me above him so noticed a water pipe and a small bag in the ceiling and I had turned into a bat or bird in order to easily fit out the gap so I broke the pipe filling the room with water and I escaped but then I was a person again but onto of a building so I had to try and climb down the building which wasn't too bad and i found my son walking around a shop with someone we knew but I couldn't figure out who it was. Later on I had bought a house and me and my son were decorating the house I put up a photo of my wedding and my son asked what had happened so I told him the man I married said he would come back for us but hasn't yet, they went out shopping to find things to go into their house and I became the sons point of view who was looking for beds he saw a mattress on the top shelf and tired to pull it done suddenly water started pouring out he ran to his mum who knew exactly what had happened so told him to grab something that he can defend himself with, the crocodile and dear came out from around the corner the mum started to fight them again but the son saw the dear and picked him up because he looked soft he hugged him and the dear didn't mind in the end the mum took her son and they ran away she said she someone else could deal with them because she was tired of it all then I woke up.