Running in the Halls

Date: 11/6/2016

By Anarcha

I was in school, exiting the cafeteria. There were events unfolding in there, but I have forgotten them. As I swung open the door and closed it behind me, there was a stream of people walking through the hall on the right side in my view. However, there was one person coming straight towards me on the left of the hall. It was supposed to be that Jackson kid, but I don't think it looked very much like him. We both stopped dead in our tracks when he saw each other, and we just stood there for a moment, staring. Suddenly, the minute I flinched to talk to him, he sped off in the other direction. I started chasing him while screaming his name over the buzz of the other high schoolers. He was a fast runner; I wouldn't have been able to catch him, so I hoped someone would notice I wanted him and stop him for me. Nobody did. I followed him out the back of the school where there was a batting cage that you walk through and then a small football field enclosed in a tall fence. He was nowhere to be found. There was a coach and one or two other people talking on the field, and they were looking at me odd, wondering why I was there. I asked if they had seen the boy, and they said yes, he had climbed over the fence and ran away. I tried to think over what I could possibly do. He was most likely out of sight by now. ______________________ I was at school again, except for an after-school class. There were a ton of people taking it; there had to be several classes in one day, as they could not teach everyone all at once. I waddled in shoulder-to-shoulder with the others. When we were all inside, it had some kind of aquarium museum vibes for some reason. It was supposed to be a music history class. I saw Sam and walked near him. He had some sort of stick in his hand. It was like a long, narrow, plastic tube filled with water and some little objects, and it had either an orange or pink tint to it. It was about as long as from my wrist to my elbow. When he saw me, he looked relieved and told me to hold it, and he would be right back. He stressed, however, to not lose it. I agreed and he went away somewhere. Right away, somebody got my attention and pulled me away because they wanted to show me something. I thought, What the hell, it's only for a moment. I can't remember what they wanted from me, all I can remember was I got really annoyed with them. I stormed off back to where I had left the stick - except now, it wasn't there. I freaked out, because I knew Sam would be infuriated with me. It was important to him; he needed it for something, and I had lost it in the short moment he was gone. I pretty much had a mental breakdown and enclosed myself somewhere and/or just passed out. When I awoke, I saw Sam kneeling I front of me, with some people in the background looking worriedly at me. I regained consciousness, and Sam immediately said, "Oh God, you're alright, I was so worried." He then went on to explain I didn't have to be upset because it wasn't that big of a deal anyway. I got a bit frustrated again - you mean I broke down for nothing?! - but hugged him anyway.