May 5,2019

Date: 5/5/2019

By lexie101

In my dream I was in an arcade or something and my crush and I went down to the 1st floor because we were looking for my friend during this we held hands after that I don’t remember what this had to do with my dream but there was a part were we were all stuck in rooms and there were these crazy monsters we had to escape from before they ate us me and my family escaped and for the rest of that part of my dream we were hiding from them and and then continuing the first part of the dream the next day (still in my dream) I went to church and I told my friends what had happened with my crush then there was this stand that sold sowed things like blankets bags and some bows I had seen this before in another dream but then I was walking around and I saw my crush again and I got nervous and that’s it because some one woke me up😭😤