
Date: 9/24/2017

By icarus

I was outside with a couple of friends and I was playing with one if their puppies and having a good time, but for some reason the weather was super dreary. All of my firends noticed something weird and I picked up the puppy and walked over to see what they were talking about and there was some mangled up body, we couldn't tell if it was huan or something else so we ran to go tell someone. As we were going to do that, a person wearing all black started to chase us and we were all separated. Eventually the attacker was imprisoned in a small holding cell that for some reason was in my backyard. I was talking to him, asking why he attacked us but he wouldn't take, he'd just stare at me unblinking and watching my every move. I left and was going to go inside but I ran into my little brother, Cedric and he handed me our guinea pig, Jemmie, as I was holding the puppy so I was stuck standing there waiting for ced to come back because I didn't know why he gave me Jemmie. Somehow, the person who was in holding had escaped and there was a get away car in front of the house and bunch of people came out of it and kidnapped me. I was sitting in the middle in the back with the puppy (jemmie was gone for some reason) while there were two people to either side of me and two people up front. They were talking about something and I wanted to ask why they kidnapped me but I was too scared. As they were driving we came upon this party and I saw it as my chance cause the windows were down and I wasn't restrained. So I started to crawl out the window over the guy to my left and they tried pulling me back inside as I yelled about how they kidnapped me and that I need help. But I managed to escape (puppy is gone) I some how got onto the trunk of the car and the people who were surrounding the car managed to help me and mixed me in with the crowd. Solidarity, ya know? But they people who kidnapped me started open fire on the crowd. I was running like motherfucker. One of the guys (he sat driver, John) managed to find me and grabbed on to me but I kicked him off and that pissed him off so I started running away from him and managed to hide. Once things calmed down, I emerged from my spot and and made my way down to the water to try and find someone to take me home. But apparently, my kidnappers had a a lot of party goers hostage and we're asking if they knew where I was. They had the hostages in these little rectangle holding "cells" that were carved into a cliff down by the water and there was no bottom so they had to float on these little rafts that could only fit one person. I tried to continue my way to the dock and hid in one of the holding rocks and John was going through and asking them questions about if they've seen me or where I was, I remember john scanning the line and saying: "You brought this on yourself." I accidentally slipped off the raft but since I was holding onto the rocks, I didn't fall and managed to find a small jagged rock I could hold myself up on. John saw the raft floating away and looked to where I was, I was terrified when he saw me. John smirked and said "There you are." And he took me out of the holding rock and dragged me into the boat, he needed some of the other kidnappers to help because I was struggling so much. Eventually, we reached a small camp after they got me back into the car and drugged me and drove for hours. I was chained to a tree (my ankle had a cuff around it while it was attached to a chain and that chain was wrapped around a tree) and at night or when it was cold, they'd keep me inside the RV and all I could wear was a long tshirt with nothing underneath except when I'm on my period. When in the RV, john would sleep next to me, cuddling me and occasionally dry humping me. [TW: Self Harm] One day when I was alone I the rv, I managed to find a razor and I cut the word 'Help' into my thigh. John came in shortly after I did it as the blood ran down my leg. He quickly called in Kevin and told him to clean me up. [End]