desert curse. ( very detailed)

Date: 7/1/2018

By cati3martin

so it was like a weird field trip or something but the whole school had to go. and we all went out into the desert. they split us up into a bunch of groups and sent us off to find our tents that we would be staying in deep in the dessert. we would be put in a group of 15. some of the lucky campers got to stay by the main camp that was like a big building. but i was one of the unlucky groups that had to go far away. along the way i found two green balls. they were small enough to fit in my hands and they were smooth like they were made out of marble. they kinda glowed too. i didn’t think much of it and put them in my pocket. once we got to our tent we went in and started getting settled in. it wasn’t too big but the tent wasn’t tiny either. it had benches inside and in the middle of the tent would be where we slept. since our tent was so far away by the time we got there it was night time. so we got out our sleeping bags and got set up to sleep. during the middle of the night there was some weird noises. we could hear the wind, and they almost sounded like voices. at this point everyone was awake and scared. then we saw a shadow of a man. we were watching the shadow walk around the tent. no one made a sound, we were all too scared. after a minute the shadow stopped walking and faced the tent. he came in. everyone started screaming. he was very tall. he only had one eye. he had long black hair that went down to the middle of his back. he wore a hat that covered most his face at times. he wore dirty clothes a old boots. he had a scar on his face, under his eye. his teeth were yellow and chipped. but the most distinguished thing about him was that he only had one hand. there was a large knife where his hand would be. he yelled at us to get in a line along the walls of the tent. his voice was deep and loud. most of the girls were crying by now. once we were in a line he walked down the line of girls until he got to me. he looked at me; into my eye. almost into my soul. he looked down at my waist. and back at my face. after he went down the line, he went to the other side of the tent and looked at us. “you have what i want. you’ve disturbed my peace. return it our you all shall perish” then he disappeared. everyone dropped to the floor. everyone passed out. once everyone woke up they were saying how they all had a crazy dream last night. but they never described what happened in the dream because it was mostly all a blur. i decided to go on a walk and explore the empty dessert. i kept walking until i zoned out. i tripped on something in the sand. it was a book. look i’m not one for reading but there was nothing else to do. i opened the dusty book and began reading. it told a story of how the desert men were evil and sucked out people souls to feed themselves. it said how the only way they could be stopped is by two magical orbs touched them. there was a picture of two green balls on the page. i pulled out the marble balls from my pocket to compare. i didn’t think much of it, because i thought it was all a story; didn’t remember the night before. so i started to walk back to the tent. by the time i got back it was nighttime again so i just got in my sleeping bag and went to sleep. he came back... he got in again and ordered 5 of us to stand infront of the crowd. he told us that he wanted what was rightfully his right now. when no one answered he looked at the first girl in the line of 5 and looked her in her eyes. she began shriveling up until she looked like an old women. we all started freaking out. he did it to the next 2 girls until i gathered the nerve to reach into my back pocket and get the orbs. i pulled them out and he looked at me. i ran to him with them and he took one a broke it into a million pieces. i then realized that this was the only way to kill him and that i needed to keep the last one. i hid the orb that i had left and went and sat back down. i saw that a few of the girls were inching closer to the exit of the tent and quietly escaping. while he was sucking the souls from the other girls. i got up and quickly ran to the exit and me and the girls who were left ran as fast as we could. he caught some of them and sucked out there souls, which gave us more time to run. i stoped and let the other girls run more. i pulled out the other orb and held it in the air. “is this what you’re looking for?” i screamed. he started running toward me. he threw something at the orb and it knocked out of my hand. it fell and broke into. 6 pieces. i grabbed the biggest piece and slipped it in my back pocket. he caught up with the rest of the girls and dragged them all back to the tent. once we were all back in the tent i was siting by this girl who had a really big ring on. i told her to give it to me, and she did. i took the jewel that was originally in it and put in the broken piece of the orb. i put the ring on and stood up. he walked over to me, towering over me. i took my hand out behind my back and punched him as hard as i could. it knocked him down. then i ran; stood over his face. looked down and said “have fun in hell” and punched him dead in the face with the ring. his face started cracking and falling apart. he was screaming; turning to dust. he was dead.