My crush

Date: 10/18/2018

By heyitsfrannie

So I woke up and there was a huge fancy dinner party at my house. There were tons of people their including my family, people from my town and this guy i’ve had a crush on since the 2nd grade. HE. WAS. AT. MY. HOUSE. So, I avoided him for most of the party until I passed by him sitting down alone and said hello. We talked for a bit, caught up on school and stuff, when all of a sudden this couple walked up to us. They instantly start badgering him about the things his dad was doing in politics. It was crazy. He stood there and took most of the comments, but every time he would try and get a word in they won’t let him. So, eventually I stepped in. I told the couple that his dad couldn’t do anymore then he was doing because the people in charge of him wouldn’t let him. They still wouldn’t listen to me so eventually the guy(Let’s call him Peter), Peter left. So i tried to chase after him, but all he said was he can’t take his dad’s shit anymore and left. *I bet you thought this would end with us being together Happy Ever After right, yeah so did I. We were both wrong. * So, I came back inside to try and find his brother that probably came with him, but I could. But, his sister, which he doesn’t have in real life, was there. I proceeded to tell her what was going on and she went into panic mode. She started texting and calling trying to figure where he went. The good news was that the party was ending while all this was happening so it was pretty chill. I told her I would go with to try and find him. As soon as I said that my mom chimed in and said that I didn’t need to go, that my brother should go with her. We got into a full blown argument about how i’m a fully grown women and I can make my own decisions and how she didn’t want me to be in danger. Once we stopped arguing and I decided I was gonna go, we looked around and noticed his sister was gone. We looked around for her and she was outside sitting on our rocking chair watching the stars. She said she was ready whenever we were because she figured out where we was and wanted to go to him. I told her I was ready when all of a sudden the weirdest thing started happening in the sky. There were fireworks, but they were going in reverse. Like legit reverse they were going from these giant mass of color, so just small line descending to the ground. There was no sound just silence and color. The end. We never went to “Peter” umm we just watched the fireworks until eventually my dream faded off into something different. It was something with Drag Queens and wigs, I don’t remember much. It was fun though.