Party Bus

Date: 10/20/2019

By MissingMoon

I had a dream my boyfriend was going to an easier school for him since he struggles a bit. However, it was up in the cities and he claimed that he never wanted to see me again. Then it morphed into me taking a party bus with an infant, my mother, a depiction of Jesus, and someone else. It was also a school bus and Jesus was the driver. We dropped some people off at the high school but we were parked in fhe front yard. The infant was crying but no one could feed it for some reason so I got up and swindled some goat milk from a random person on the bus. Somehow, everyone had had some and they were all throwing it up. We then left and went to a party in at the bottom of the state. I startes going massive caffiene shots out of a syringe and cleaning up a shitton of rocks so idiot animals didn't eat them. At some point I made out with a friend of mine in my bed and then she got pissed at me. Thing is, she kissed me first. We were in some sort of barn now and I was trying to apologize. Then a guy I hate burst in with a bunch of tractors and a few other guys I hate. I woke up shortly after.