Date: 4/17/2020
By xCaligo
This one I barely managed to type out much of anything because I was super tired and even at the time didn’t remember it very well, but I’d been struggling with dream recall so I figured I should at least try to write something. There is this lady in “need” of at the top of this cat walk type thing and these soldiers are mindlessly climbing a rope to try and get to her but as soon as they get close to her she pushes a button that releases the rope and they fall like 50 feet to their deaths or at the very least serious injury. But they just keep coming. Each one attempts to climb after a new rope is lowered and yet again is released to fall to his death. I wrote “This is a training course” right after I dreamed this and I think, although Im probably just trying to give this a little more depth but I was looking on as one of those soldiers and this was supposed to be my training too and it seemed like I was the only one noticing what was actually going on.