Date: 10/19/2018
By LucidPineapple
I had a lucid dream! I’m walking in a downtown area and looking at the stones under my feet or the trees around me. I think I’m with family walking somewhere. I know 100% I’m dreaming and even mention it to myself. I feel so secure in my lucidity. I’m looking around at the trees in the distance and focusing on the leaves. There’s different shades of greens and there is a tree on the sidewalk with small flowers on it. Tiny little pink flowers with long little stamen coming out of it. I must have lost lucidity because the dream changed. I’m in a grassy area with some friends. I think they strapped a bomb to a tree along the tree line. It was a broken tree with a thick trunk and no branches. Basically a giant log sticking out of the ground and it needed to be removed. My other buddy is camping there and isn’t too happy we already set the timer. I’m standing back to watch. “You sure you want to be that close?”. Oh! I really am way too close! A tree could come hit me. I’m running through the grass farther and farther away. The device never goes off. My dream changed again and I’m at the beach. I know that there are guides here that take you out to the deep water on a special tour made just for you. They scoped out the best path with the best underwater views just for you. They then take you on the journey back to the shore, pointing out the cool things under water. A guide is asking me to go on a ride. There’s a tiny inflatable raft with two other girls who audibly complain. “Really? Her?” Even more reason to go and piss off some bitches :) Im happily stepping into the little tube with the other girls and the guy is giving us his rehearsed spiel. He’s bringing us farther and farther into the water. Once he brings us out, he says we have 4 minutes to get back to shore. A timer starts. A girl asks “where are you going?!” He says “I have four other tours to start!!” And swims off. Scams. They just bring us straight out and have us swim back, nothing about a fucking under water tour. One girl freaks out and swims off crying. I try to paddle back to shore. I wake up.