Old relationships and shrooms

Date: 3/18/2018

By allvvrong

Dreamt I was with an old friend, driving around a lot. I went to an exes house but my grandmother was there. Was driving around with an ex friend. Took shrooms. Ended up at the abusive exes new apartment and pretty much assessed the situation and then left lmfao. Realized I had absolutely zero feelings for a person that can be so cold and so numb. Realized he wasn’t who I thought he was and I was so much better off without him. Festival, water, auditorium, concert, open concept concert hall where it’s p much like the coliseum. (Seats around but an opening circle center, upscale design) Honestly the dream made me tired but I’m more conscious of my feelings now. I also drew the 10 of swords for my daily card which represents doing all the work possible but with no success, and the necessity to start anew. My daily number is 4, meaning a day of personal hard work and building relationships and foundations for the future. Transitioning Pisces-Aries Moon conjunct chiron. Chiron in Pisces. (Personal Chiron in libra) Chiron conjunct Juno.