A Wander Up the Mountain

Date: 2/12/2025

By wahblamy

This was a strange dream, but like most of the ones I write down, it feels significant. The way it was weird was not the transitions from scene to scene but the fact that I went back and forth to 3 or 4 different scenes multiple times. Aspects of some scenes affected the others. I digress. Here it is. The first part I remember was being driven home, perhaps in a taxi. The man had white hair and was a white Canadian guy. Later I went to a music store in my city called Long and McQuaid to tell him that his driving was great. I went into the store and knew his full name, they had just opened and I asked if he was around - so I could give him this compliment. They couldn't find him or he was busy and I couldn't get a hold of him. I kind of awkwardly waited around the store before leaving. The next scene I am climbing a mountain with my friend Sarah, but it's also kind of my mom. It's a wide path leading through sparse woods and sometimes open hill, like the Highlands. It reminds me of the hill Erica got married on. We are climbing and talking and I am feeling alive, the air is cold and we walk so far up this mountain that it turns to snowing. The next scene I am at a mall, I am looking at some hall kiosks and looking at the treasures, jewelry and bags and stuff. Then I notice an open area and it leads to what might be a small art gallery or something. I look at the sign about the door and it says "a place for friends to walk together", it was all pink and purple and kind of looked like a modern, minimalist club or something. It was open with barely anything to see, a couple piece of art etc. but it was a lead pathway with purple light and pink and white walls... I noticed two little girls skip in happily arm in arm, maybe about 9 years old. I looked around but I was alone and I wanted to go into this cool gallery. I thought better of being perceived in the wrong way by others in the space, by being alone. I sat over on a wall ledge and pulled a giant iPad out of my bag and started to look for something. I am back at Long and McQuaid, I am looking for this man by asking for him by his full name. I'm so excited to give him this compliment, like its going to make his day or something but he is nowhere to be found again. Coworkers work together to try and find him for me, they feel regretful but I'm feeling a bit embarrassed, a bit like Im free floating without a bottom...doing something for someone who doesn't want or need my attention or something. I'm climbing the mountain again, we're getting higher up and we come to an area with the ruins of a large brick chimney. Facing it are rows of metal folding chairs and I know that a funeral has taken place. I think to myself that there was another nod to death in this dream and it makes me wonder if someone is going to die soon - not quite seriously though. At the scene we turn to go back down the mountain, at one point I pull out the iPad again and it's a video of me climbing the mountain in the past and huffing and puffing, struggling because I was a smoker. I noted this strongly and felt relieved that I don't smoke. We kept walking down the wide path down the mountain and other couples were coming down behind us. One couple had a large grey dog and we heard a long, strong howl from a wolf in the distance. The four of us could sense that the dog was trying to decide if it was going to go to the wolf pack. We all trusted this process, he turned back to us and we accepted that he would stay with us. We walked down the path peacefully. As we got to the bottom there was a weird shack structure. As I climbed up I passed an acquaintance Georgia, she said something negative and I explained that she should embrace her bad days and she kind of snarled and I continued up the stairs around her and to the next floor. As I climbed the small stair to the top floor, I entered a small room with two double beds. They had quilts and the windows were large with the walls being in dark wood. The whole thing felt homemade. Another acquaintance Katerina was sitting on one of the beds with her boyfriend. I said hello and came on up and sat on the other bed. I told them how I felt like I was tripping out lately and it was weird. They got closer and were both sitting on the bed I was on now. Before things got really trippy, we spoke about the grey dog, now laying on the floor, that he chose not to go with the wolves because he had been with them before and it had been rough and tumble. He got hurt and was too old for all that aggression and wild play now. I resonated. Next, Katerina was sitting on the bed and while I was looking at her, she turned into a black person, she had all the exact same features except now she had a short fro cut. Her boyfriend was black, behind her. She turned back to normal. I was tripping. Then she stuck out her tongue and it was bright yellow and glowing....and then my alarm went off. The end