Multiple Dreams

Date: 7/4/2018

By winterwitch

So the point I remember from was I was in a hotel and I was trying to wake up my mom and she asked me to get a hair extension from the bathroom. Once I went, I looked at the mirror and it turned into me watching a beauty guru video about hair extensions and it somehow transformed into it being a commercial for a simpsons episode. I was watching it with my brother and maybe my cousin. Then my brother got really excited about another commercial that was about to start. It started with a priest(who was a super famous actor, but I can’t remember who he was rn) talking to one dude that was waiting to get married at the alter without a priest(they were both really famous actors that I also don’t remember, but one of them might have been Armie Hammer) the dude on the phone had a thick russian accent. The dude on the phone was asking the priest where the priest was and the priest explained “I was recently made aware that I conducted your wedding before, then you both got divorced, and now are getting remarried. The lord does not agree with that conduct and I have to refuse to helping this sham of a wedding” and on those last words the tall doors of the church started to be banged on. The russian dude on the phone started freaking out and whispered “oh no, the oompahs are here”(in my mind that meant fathers in russian) and both dudes waiting to get married started to walk down the aisle and progressively started increasing their speed while starting to yell at the people manning the doors to keep it closed and then the door opened loudly but you only see the dudes getting married expressions which were complete horror and then the camera panned to the people walking in (the fathers) which were all women(all amazing and oscar winning actresses) screaming about the trouble of seeing there sons wedding. Then I woke up laughing