It's. The. Ring. Of. Fiiiire.

Date: 4/11/2021

By SagittariusDreamer

A lot of terrible stuff happened at like 2am so like, I had a night terror as a result. I vaguely remember the beginning of the dream. I had been texting this guy named Tom. My sister asked to use my phone for something, which I let her. When she gave me my phone back a few minutes later, she said something along the lines of "I think he likes you now". I panicked and looked at my messages with Tom, seeing two weird error messages. I'm guessing she deleted them. I fussed at her, cursing and smacking her upside the head in front of our mom's boyfriend. I walked from my house down to my aunts house. In prior dreams, there's a pattern showing that this is not a place to have fun. Anyways, I decided to walk through the alleyway shortcut to get there quicker. At the entrance of the alleyway is a corner store, and there's two guys behind me speaking German, basically just saying what they wanted from the store. I thought it was cool, German is a beautiful language that I've always wanted to learn. I kept walking down the alley, but I noticed one of the guys walking next to me and he was getting very close. I tried to back up but they both grabbed me by the arms. Then I saw the first one pull out a pocket knife and I struggled until I got free. I ran as fast as I could to my Aunt's house and locked all of the doors that I could so they wouldn't get in. Then I ran around the house trying to call for help. I looked everywhere, but it seemed the house was empty today. I have a knack for forgetting to tell them I'm coming over ahead of time, so I guess they'd went somewhere. All the while, I kept trying to use my phone to call my mom (instead of the reasonable option which would be the police). It kept fucking up over and over again, and whenever I'd try to hit the 'Phone' icon, it only took me straight to YouTube. I almost threw my phone because of how useless it was. I think the two German guys had made it in at some point, but I believe they gave up trying to find me and just left. Once I realized this, I grabbed my aunt's landline phone and called my mom. Before it even started ringing, I got a commercial on the line for something completely random. When it finally started ringing and mom picked up, I cried (even though I felt like it was fake crying to make it more believable that something so terrible had just happened to me), and tried to tell her everything that just happened. It didn't even really sounded like she was concerned or scared. Halfway through, I realize she's not even listening, she's arguing with her boyfriend, and I just fucking snap. I screamed (which I never do). A scream of pure frustration and rage. She starts trying to argue with me, and I argue back because she's not listening after I told her that I literally just almost got murdered. I hung up and screamed that I hated her. I stayed in the house, not exactly knowing what to do. Those German guys could be anywhere just shanking people, and if they saw me, they'd probably come for me on sight. I explored the upstairs. The house had looked different since my cousin didn't live there anymore. I made my way to the third floor, where there was a screen door that led to the roof of the second floor. I relaxed for only a moment, until I saw some older man who looked like he was doing something shady outside. And then he picked up an axe, walking over to the screen door. I hit it the first time and the axe bounced off, but then he hit it a second time and the glass completely shattered. I ran back downstairs and tried to find a place to hide, but I couldn't find anywhere reasonable inside. I considered leaving through the backyard and scaling the fence, but I looked around extremely carefully to see of anyone was actually out there. There was a lot of clutter out there for some reason, and under the clutter at the right side of the backyard, I saw the vague shape of the lower corner of someone's face. And it wasn't moving, so I was guessing it was dead. I decided not to leave. There's a weird haze here in transition, which is understandable because of how wild it was. But as I can try to recall, a circus of sorts just came out of nowhere, singing and dancing. There's a disconnect between me and the body they start torturing while they're singing, as it wasn't me, but some 30ish year old white male, tall, medium body set. I could see the things that happened to him like it was a movie. It was like one of those scenes where the villain is doing their intro song and is tossing the protagonist back and forth into their grasp. They broke the guy's fingers and bent his legs into the shape of a heart. They mentioned The Ring of Fire as they sung, which either they or my dream gracefully explained was based off of a roller coaster ride. They mentioned Tony Fire briefly I believe, but they didn't explain who he was. I'm guessing he built the ride, or was maybe the ringleader? That's kinda where my dream ended, halfway through the song because I inevitably woke up and turned over, messing up my chances to sink back into it haha. Edit: I almost forgot to mention, during the song, there was this woman who had a solo part. She was pale white, with a pixie cut of short reddish brown hair. Her voice was high and light, and she cradled the man's head gently in her dainty hands. I feel like she may have been shedding tears? I'm not sure.