Date: 2/4/2017
By lugoO101
There was a guy I was with and we would keep almost having sex and every time we would try something came up. There was also a girl there who had left to do something so me and the boy snuck off but when we snuck off the last time he was on pills, the only reason I knew was because his eyes were bugged out and he was acting a little crazy, so we needed a condom because we were going to have sex in his car but then that's when he got out of the car and his friend told him that I knew he was on pills. After he walked out of the car I didn't wanna have sex anymore and when he got back to me I pushed him away but I did make out with him a little after that.he looked like a sexy white boy with short hair,blue eyes,he was tall and had an ear piercing,his friend and my friend were together as well but they were off doin their own thing and that's when I woke up.