Date: 7/18/2017
By biscuit
In the first dream I had, I was hanging out with three friends, one of whom was Chris. Somehow, we had managed to learn how to fly by flapping our wings, and we were just sort of flying around and seeing the sights of Prescott. We got into a sort of restricted area that was only for rich people, just to spite them. In my second dream, I was living in St. George already, and I took the wrong walking route home one day. I ran into a really cute girl I had seen before, and she seemed to recognize me too. She also knew the names of my siblings, which was kind of spooky considering I had only mentioned them on the phone while on the right path to my apartment. I guessed that meant she must have been following me, but I didn't mind it because she was cute and seemed really nice. She had band-aids all over her body and a couple on her face, and I realized that they were covering up boils she had gotten medical treatment on. I didn't mind that. We exchanged phone numbers, and I woke up.