Date: 11/28/2018
By Kraftinq
So there’s this girl at school called Abi and she’s a big lesbian. I found out her name yesterday, which is gooood because gay friends are good. Ellie told me she was a bad egg though. Anyway, I don’t remember most of my dream because i always get interrupted by my cat getting up, which sucks ass, i like my dreams. All I can remember is sitting on the water crates in Asda, while someone I was with went to the bathroom. When i was walking that way, I saw her with like, what looked like her dad. She came and sat on the crates with me and like slid around or smthn. I managed to talk to her about something and it was cool, I asked for her snapchat. And then her dad or something came out and was like hi. He ended up telling me about how they have a family of immortal beings and that Abi was always good at everything and her teachers hated her for it. idk my cat woke me up