Recurring Hotel Basement

Date: 3/28/2018

By royallauren7

I have a recurring dream that I’m in a very fancy and ornate hotel. The carpets, walls and ceilings are red and lined with gold. The lighting was warm and very comfortable. I walked through the halls for a while trying to find an elevator or stairs to take me down to the lobby. I found the elevator and hit the button for the lobby. Instead of taking me to the lobby it takes me to the basement. It is a huge stone cellar and the air is cold and damp. I can see only from the light of the elevator. I try many many times to take the elevator back up because the basement scares me, but the elevator doesn’t move and the doors never shut. In the basement to the left is a stone wall. In front of me is a huge stone archway leading into the dark. To my right is a huge opening in a stone wall that leads into what seems to be a vast bathroom. It looks old and like it’s filthy and falling apart. I can see rows of sinks and broken toilets and stalls. The last time I had the dream, I finally walked into the darkness and through the archway. It led me into a round cage made of thick metal bars. I looked to my right through the cage and saw a terrifying creature that looked emaciated. It was extremely thin and long and pale. It moved slowly and stiffly. It was bald and I could not see its face. It had a cone over its face. Similar to a cone of shame. It didn’t seem to notice me.