Back at High School Band, Taking my shirt off (oops), a Weird Skinny Van, and trying to get family on a Bus.

Date: 12/20/2018

By AJacobs

I remember dreaming other than this beforehand, but I'll put that in another dream separate from this one. I remember being in the Warren Township High School Almond Campus, and being by a non-real/changed office for something. All I am sure of is that I was in the building, and ended up going to the the band room... I go into my high school band room. I immediately start to smile because I see Sarah and Hannah packing up. I actually did I double take because I think when I first looked at Hannah it was Sarah so I saw Sarah, Sarah, (looks back) Hannah (with the first Sarah turning out to be Hannah). They were of similar height I think Which is funny since I don't know how tall Hannah is anymore (comparatively) because it has been years (Sarah too, but it's been longer since seeing Hannah regularly). I get to the side and start to take my trumpet out of my hard case. I keep going back and forth to my chair because I keep forgetting something. Mr. Gross begins rehearsal by talking a bunch. I remember wondering if since it is the first rehearsal he'll be lenient about being in your chair on time. On one time I take my shirt off. Then Mr. Gros said something about having cold nipples (he had medium dark blue shirt on, maybe with white lettering (like my DG shirt with my name on it)). I then partially cover myself up and say to David, "oh yeah, I'm not at Drum and Bugle Corps anymore... where everyone is much more comfortable with each other." David may have responded, "No shit." I finally get my shit together and sit down. The chair order for the Trumpet Section is David, Me, Estevan (who's is actually Versilio now that I think of it, a problem of I couldn't remember his name before), 1st-trumpet-in-Jazz-Ensemble-I-can't-remember-his-name, then maybe Alex and then maybe some of the girls, Haley, and maybe more. I'm not sure if I remember actually rehearsing in this dream... Afterwards, we were standing outside waiting for a bus. My parents and Aunt somehow got here too. It was a bright sunny warm day with a blue sky. I see David walk out of the building presumably towards his car (not real). We see this guy go by on a motorized skateboard it might have been. My dad points to him and I'm like, yeah isn't that the guy who was skating earlier. He ends up going right to left in front of us and then stops and looks at me. I start to walk towards him and we exclaim each other's names (he is Dan). He was my brass tech and creative designer at Shadow Drum and Bugle Corps. We end up closer to the cars somehow. My dad comes over to say we are really in a rush so I say we have to leave as soon as the bus shows up. Sometime, some other woman who Dan must know pops up. He gets something from his van, which is very unique, I should sketch it. Although thinking about is making me more confused about it. I recall him going to the far side and swinging the door open, as a trunk that is nothing particularly special, but I remember thinking that was the driver side. I stayed in place so was watching through the van's windows. I think it said Loadmaster 2000 or something on it. Then on the side closest to me I think was like a connected cab. this might've actually changed shape I think, because when he opened up the side swinging "front" on the far end. I remember it being a really thin but long vehicle (and for some reason I want to say it was light blue and white when later it was definitely a dark green). But now, there was a driver's seat and wheel on the close side and in a little cab. It goes back to the main part, with the cargo area. There it is much wider on the left side (looking at at it). And on that side where it goes out of the cab/main body there is a hatch door there, odd placement and hard to describe in words. So we all talk until... I see a bus (with a front end engine) appear into view and turn into the school parking lot. I nudge my dad and we start walking back. I say goodbye and might've you have a cool van as I look at it one last time. Then we get back to the pickup lane on the sidewalk. It became pitch black sky and nighttime around here, but I didn't notice it and didn't think anything of it until waking up in retrospect. There are other buses on the East side of the building. But anyways, onto the main pickup area where we were. First there was a little bus, and it was full with kids. Then a regular bus with a flat front is coming towards the pickup. We didn't know where my mom was. We started calling towards this woman towards the main entrance. I called for mom. My dad and Aunt Linda called for her name. Aunt Linda yelled something about "remember where I parked" in case my mom was taking the bus over there. The person we think is my mom has a large dark coat and a red hat. I walked closer to find that it was red hair, not a red hat. It was in fact Andrea, who is actually a college student. I go back and Aunt Linda says something about "they should put key signatures on the buses." My dad or I said "no no no." I'm not sure what she meant by that. I get onto the bus. It has really low ceilings, 3 seats on each side and the seats look like mini greyhound seats in a dark blue. The kids look too young to be in high school. I know I haven't grown that much since High School. The dream ended about here I believe.