Digital art 4k scene from a movie: In the bedroom, a white helicopter crashed through the window, destroying the PC with its rotor blades, prompting the owner to buy a new one in America from Kåre, while the helicopter owner apologized and inquired about their well-being.

et hvitt hellikopter styrtet inn soveroms-vinduet

Date: 2/23/2019

By monjanse

det ødela pcen min med rotorbladene, og jeg fikk kjøpe ny pc i Amerika av Kåre. eigeren av hellikopteret sa beklager og lurte på om det gikk bra.

AI generated interpretation Based on the content of your dream, it appears that there are underlying feelings of invasion of personal space, destruction of personal property, and perhaps even a sense of unexpected chaos or disruption in your life. The white helicopter crashing through your bedroom window may symbolize a sudden and forceful intrusion into your private space or psyche. The destruction of your PC by the rotor blades suggests a loss of control or disruption in your ability to communicate effectively or access technology that is important to you. This could represent a fear of losing a vital means of connection or productivity in your waking life. The fact that you had to purchase a new PC in America from someone named Kåre could signify a need to seek external help or resources to address the consequences of the unexpected event in your dream. This may reflect a desire for outside support or guidance in dealing with challenges or setbacks in your life. The owner of the helicopter apologizing and asking if you were okay shows a sense of accountability and concern for the impact of their actions on you. This could suggest a need for reconciliation or resolution in a situation where you feel wronged or violated in some way. Overall, this dream may be reflecting underlying feelings of vulnerability, disruption, and a sense of needing to rebuild or recover from unexpected events or circumstances in your life. It may be helpful to reflect on any recent experiences or emotions that could be manifesting in your subconscious through this dream.