
Date: 11/7/2016

By shadesallday

I'm in line at what looks like an Asian restaurant, it might be Chinese. I'm talking to someone, a female? We get seated at a table for four. I think my party consist of two women and at least one other male, the females are a co-worker that I don't real care for and a friend's gf. I'm not sure who the guy is. I feel like the rest of my group got seated at a different table and I end up next to my friend's gf, across from the co-worker. In my head I'm referring to my coworker as mom. Friend's gf orders (friend's gf orders a soup? and a plate to share then dies the math, it's about 50 bucks) and I quickly start to order bc the co-worker will order for me if I don't. I'm looking at the menu, I order two items, one for me (soup?) and one to share (pork). I keep looking back thinking about the others that are with us, but not at my table.