reunions, camp grounds and hotels

Date: 9/5/2018

By kassiemae87

we were at a family reunion. we went to a campground it was dark when we started to get together and do Halloween things. Alyssa had her buckets by our tent I turned around to see if I could find her. turned back around and 3 kids took her buckets and said it wasnt them. I finally found her stuff. went to look for the rest of the family when I did I ended up in a hotel my step dad was talking to a cousin and making olans to go to where he was staying. I asked where they were staying my step dad said they weerent really going he just said that to him to get back to my mom. I left and found my daughter we went to where my cousin was staying. my mom and step dad were there I knew than that they didn't want us there not sure why though. Alyssa and I left.