
Date: 12/15/2018

By Talon

I got hired as a barista...all the employees lived at the workplace. Before the start of my shift, i took a walk around the block. I was in a city i didn't recognize. as I was walking, a group of little girls came up to me and began walking alongside of me. one in particular was talking to me. she told me that I needed to move off the sidewalk in a certain direction to avoid being attacked by lizards or snakes. i was telling her that i needed to get back to work....and that this walk was taking longer than i thought. she told me to relax, and assured me I would get there soon. there was a large monitor lizard off to the right of the path. he was bearing his sharp teeth and hissing. we walked further off the path around him. after passing him, the girls and I split up and went out separate ways. i walked off the sidewalk and through some businesses. one in particular was beautiful inside. it was an old victorian style. there was lots of red throughout the house. a lady saw me and assumed that i was in a class there or something. she showed me out, saying that they were not open yet. i walked out and continued on until i got to the coffee shop that i now worked at. when i got in, i asked for a coffee....only to be ignored. i went into the back where the beds were, and changed clothes. i was cold...i was missing something, like shoes. i looked over to might right, and saw my reflection in a full length mirror. it appeared that i was wearing a pink shirt with a print on it. i felt awkward and uncomfortable being there. i went back into the coffee house. they were about to have a meeting, and began talking about the glasses. there was a dark glass with ridges and it looked like it had tiny candles all around it. it was odd, but beautiful. there was another one like it, only it was lighter in color...more like a yellow-amber shade. the lady who was talking was asking what we all thought about the cups. she claimed that the lighter ones were regular and not as fancy as the dark ones. everyone agreed with her. an asian lady, whom i assume was my boss, told me that i was hired on permanently. next, it must have been after closing because all the employees....including sara and charles.... were in a back room laying on beds. i was laying down and my head waa resting by Charles' lap. there was a black guy and (whom i would assume was) his wife sitting directly next to me. he kept leaning too close to me, which made me uncomfortable. i think we were watching a movie...