Date: 11/2/2019
By shazain567k
One of my dreams was weird in that it was like a fantasy adventure. I didn’t know who was the antagonist, but me and some other people were all at this mansion and there were snakes used as weapons and only some of us could have seen them and rumplestiltskin was there for some reason and it was all very weird. I think the dream after this was in the city. Another specific memory is one of pigeons in the attic. There was a little attic that had a little crevice (looked like my small closet) and I saw pigeons in it. I told my father and told him to he absolutely quiet and gentle. I had popcorn in a plastic bag and didn’t want to hurt the pigeons so I told my dad to hold it while I got some actual bowls. By the time I got back he had scared them away :( This dream is also blurry. It seemed to take place in my middle school, and I think it had to do with college applications. I remember my guidance counselor looking at me like she was absolutely exhausted teaching children about college and whatnot, and then it came to my mind that since she was a guidance counselor that taught classes, she was paid a lot more than the others. I think there was a hula hoop competition for some reason somewhere. I can’t remember much else :(