Josh Schuls

Date: 8/20/2018

By savamey

It is winter, and there is a couple of feet of snow on the ground. From our back deck, my mom and I witness a heavily-tattooed man attack a woman and a newborn baby. We contact the police later, and we find out that the man’s name was Josh Schuls, or possibly Jack or John Schuls, I remember it was a short J name. The man had a history of abuse and many criminal offenses, and he was registered as a sex offender. He was attacking the woman and the baby because the woman was his girlfriend and she tried to abort the baby earlier in her pregnancy but she couldn’t. The man’s tattoos makes him resemble a white trash version of El Diablo from Suicide Squad. My mom begs the police to register him as an abuser as well as a sex offender. The baby that was attacked survives, but is left in the cold snow. My mom and I take the baby into our house and try to warm it up by surrounding it with warm laundry and kittens. I think about how warmth is essential for young things, like babies and kittens, to survive. The snow disappears, and it’s now spring. A large black van parks in our driveway, making a lot of noise while doing so. It’s the FBI, here to ask my mom and I about Josh Schuls. We are scared for some reason. The FBI agents ask us questions and makes me fill out something in a black leather folder. It resembles a school work sheet or something.