Ice Cream Place with the Worst Service in the World

Date: 2/4/2022

By randybobandy

Saw Sebastian from school outside and decided to get ice cream along with a couple other people, a girl and a guy that I knew. It’s supposed to be the best ice cream place around. We get in line and I order pecan ice cream from a female cashier. The girl in our group tells me Sebastian looks irresistible and adorable and I respond “uh he’s kinda weird.” While I’m waiting to pay some couple cuts the line to ask my cashier for something and there’s an argument, leaving her thrown off and confused. I end up sitting and waiting at the table while everyone eats their ice cream. Sebastian is weird and doesn’t really talk to me but says things out loud like observations. No one really pays attention to him and I’m angry I don’t have any ice cream. After a while I go back up and the girl is gone and there’s just a very short man there instead. I ask him if there’s a pecan ice cream waiting and he looked and said no and asked if I wanted to order one. I said yes and then he took my card and said it would be a bit of a wait. I go back to sit down and Sebastian is in the bathroom. The girl in our group says I should ask him who he thinks is the top ranked person in our class and she bets he’d say me. I laughed and said that was 100% inaccurate and he definitely would say this guy John in our class is top ranked. I went back up and the ice cream wasn’t ready yet. I sat back down and voiced how insane it was that I still didn’t have ice cream. Some weird girl Kristen came in and everyone started making weird noises and animal sounds. I went back up and the ice cream was finally ready but he said he was still processing my payment and needed to hold onto my card a little longer. I sat back down and started to eat my ice cream, it was basically vanilla ice cream on top of some pecans. I told Sebastian this was probably the worst ice cream place of all time and he said yeah. I went back up and the man cashier was gone now and two women were there. Before I asked one of them just told me “Hold on please we need a minute.” Since I wasn’t ordering ice cream, I didn’t care, I said, “is there a debit card here for (name)?” and as soon as I said it I saw it was on a table right behind them. They tossed it to me and I caught it and went back to my table. The place got so busy now that there was a line out the door. Everyone was making ridiculous animal sounds thinking it was funny.