Dream 3

Date: 7/5/2016

By Boygan

There was a disfigured man in my dream who had three faces and a shriveled body. He explained to me how he got his Facebook picture "just right". My perspective was one of a mirror. I could tell this because from my point of view there was another mirror on the wall opposite of me that mirrored nobody but the disfigured man's already mirrored visage. Both of the mirrors recast the man and the small hospital room as the both the mirrors reflected endlessly. Somewhere along the way in my dream my body became manifest. I winded through the iron-piped halls and stairways of the Hospital. It was a large pale complex and the hallways buzzed with flouresence. It was yellowed and tinged with that odd stifling sense those places have. i made my way to the top floor and my dad sat there at a table. He was in his weelchair and with my uncle -- they both were smoking weed. I sat with them and talked and laughed. I asked my uncle about his time at Williams and how Massachusetts was. We sat with Jimmy Kimmel and ate dinner. Jimmy was very nice. Out of the door was the life flight pad and the azure expanse of the sky. I walked out side as all of them disappeared, and looked into the azure of the sky.