Digital art 4k scene from a movie: Dall-e, generate an image of a person lying peacefully in a bed, surrounded by vibrant colors and symbols representing a lucid dream experience.

How I Became A Lucid Dreamer

Date: 9/1/2017

By InvisabelleSpasian

I realized that not many people are lucid dreamers, but they keep asking on how to become one, so as one, I thought to write down some things that I know about lucid dreaming and how I became one. 🌟☁🌟☁🌟☁🌟☁🌟☁🌟☁🌟 How did I start being a lucid dreamer and why? For those who don't know, lucid dreaming it's when you are asleep and dreaming and realize you are dreaming. The realization can last from a split second to many hours. I became a lucid dreamer when I was around 11 or 12, some time before I started middle school. I started seeing a pattern on certain dreams, especially those that were repeats, or how I felt when I was dreaming. I had repeating dreams to where I also get sudden sense of deja vu, and out of pure curiosity, I just wondered what would happen if I did one thing instead of the other thing that I usually do, so I did it to see what other outcomes were in store for me. This helped me be in control of my dreams up til today. πŸ’«πŸŒ πŸ’«πŸŒ πŸ’«πŸŒ πŸ’«πŸŒ πŸ’«πŸŒ πŸ’«πŸŒ πŸ’« Okay, cool backstory, but HOW DO I BECOME A LUCID DREAMER? Calm yourself, my young Padawan. With patience, good things will come to you in good time. So you'll need a lot of that, integrity, perseverance, justice, kindness, bravery, and most importantly DETERMINATION... Or you'll have a bad time. 🌚 βœ¨πŸ‘‰ Or if you're just as impatient as I am, just read the stuff with these emoticons! πŸ‘ˆβœ¨ πŸŒ™β˜€πŸŒ™β˜€πŸŒ™β˜€πŸŒ™β˜€πŸŒ™β˜€πŸŒ™β˜€πŸŒ™ πŸ‘‰ One thing I do is that I do the same habits before I go to bed. πŸ‘ˆ I have to do things in a certain order too, mainly because I do have a big family with their own schedules, so I had to do whatever I have to without messing up their schedules. Plus, it's just easier for me to do the same thing before going to bed. But I do it to where it's the longer and complex tasks first (showering, cooking, feeding my cat, watering certain plants) to the simpler and quicker tasks (brushing my teeth, changing clothes, brushing my hair) that way I'm so desperate to get things done and over with and be totally exhausted by the time I'm ready for bed. ✨I prefer doing activities that will make you physically tired rather than mentally, so you can have a better chance at controlling your dreams.✨ And no matter how late I go to bed, I would be very tired to the fact I have no choice but to just lie there in my bed and drift away to sleep. But I don't go straight to sleep. πŸ‘‰ What you want to do now is to ignore what your body wants. πŸ‘ˆ ✨Any itches or tickles or cramps (well, maybe cramps, because damn, those hurt...) anything that your body does to make you react, IGNORE IT. You have to show that you are in control of your body.✨ I am extremely bad at this, but that's why I do the routines to make myself very tired and recommend doing tasks that exhaust you physically more than mentally, that way it's easier to be more in control. I also do have insomnia (It's basically a state where my mind forces me to stay up because it's still "active" even though I'm so tired, therefore forces me to stay up and can mess up my sleeping pattern.), so that "helps" me a lot before I go into a lucid dreaming state. ✨It's best to lie still in a certain position that's most comfortable to you.✨ I usually lie on my back because of my minor scoliosis, and typically this is the easiest and quickest way for the process, but if you prefer lying on your side or your stomach or sitting up, go for it! Just as long as your comfortable and you DO NOT MOVE. πŸ‘‰ Just lie there and relax every bit of your body. πŸ‘ˆ ✨You can try to focus on something, like doing the alphabet or counting.✨ I usually listen to music and try to focus on the beats or the lyrics. The lyrics are easier sometimes because I won't have to lie there struggling what the rhythm of the song went without wanting to hum. (But this can also go both ways for lyrics, creating this urge to sing...) Once in a while, I do fall asleep with earbuds in with high volume (I'm so deaf), therefore it can be a double-edge sword when I dream, because depending what I listen to, it can distract me because whatever I hear can affect what kinds of dreams I'll have, therefore losing my control of my dreams. ✨If you do try to listen to music, I recommend doing it in low volume to where you can still hear it but can ignore it later on.✨ Again, this can be very difficult as we're generally "genetically programmed" to be alert when we are at our most vunerable, but by relaxing everything in your body will make things easier for you to control your dreams. This is another reason why I recommend the physical exhaustion tasks. πŸ‘‰ Now what you want to do now is to bring some positive reinforcement, convincing yourself constantly that you can become a lucid dreamer. πŸ‘ˆ As silly as this sounds, it really works out for me. Imagine being this 11-year-old kid that wanted to have that dream of wanting to fly with her cat in her backyard again. That was me, and I can be pretty stubborn, so I told myself over and over again that I will get to fly in my backyard with my cat, and that I'll do whatever it takes for me to fly with him again. ✨If you truly want it, then you better keep telling yourself that you will get it.✨ πŸ‘‰ Here's comes the weird part: hallucinations. πŸ‘ˆ Yes, there's a probability that you're high... Joking... Probably. How high are you? Or is it "high, how are you?" πŸ‘‹πŸ˜‚πŸ”«πŸ’₯ ✨If you do start sensing things that aren't normal and make you doubt or feel uncomfortable, good.✨ This should be the state where your body is starting to fall asleep. It's best to stay calm and keep relaxing and focus on keeping your mind awake. Everyone is different, and so we can all experience different senses. There could be certain lights, colors, temperatures, patterns, symbols, and textures to where they gradually become more realistic. Usually with me, I start to feel like I'm on a raft, my body wavering over water, and it makes me feel queasy and the motion sickness kicks in. ✨It's hard to overcome it at first, but when it happens, it's best to let it be to continue the process. Nothing can hurt you at this state. It's all from your mind, and it's not real.✨ Also some people, like me, will go through sleep paralysis. It's a state where your body is now physically asleep and your mind isn't, but your mind is in the middle of falling asleep to where they'll make you sense things that aren't there. It can be scary, but that's only if you want it to be. The first time it happened to me, I had rapid heart beats and could hardly breathe, I couldn't move but only my eyes and the rise and fall of my chest, and then my fear got the best of me to where I saw a creepy shadow figure going for my toes. I was so terrified that I forced myself out of sleep paralysis, therefore messing up the lucid dream process. ✨Doesn't mean you give up there! Keep going! Be in control of yourself and so yourself that you can do this!✨ πŸ˜„ πŸ‘‰ Still focusing? Good! Keep in focusing and don't get too distracted! Start off with your body first!πŸ‘ˆ Now, things can get tricky here. You have to try to focus on your body and what you want to do with it, or how else will you be able to control your dreams? Focus on how every bit of your body is, from the hair to your toes. Usually the more descriptive you see yourself, the better. And now you have to imagine yourself doing something. Start off small and simple, like standing up or walking around. If you succeed, that's wonderful! ✨Don't get too excited though, or you will either wake up or lose control of your dream.✨ And don't be so discouraged if you do mess up. Try again! It does take several times before actually handling your own dream, it doesn't happen on the spot. πŸ‘‰ So now you should be able to start dreaming! πŸ‘ˆ Congrats! You're at the part where you'll be dreaming. ✨Don't lose focus on why you're here in your dreamscape.✨ This can be tedious to only think about a certain thing all of the time because whatever happens in your dream can be distracting and can throw your attention off from time to time. But do your best to keep your focus on what you want to dream about, one little detail at a time. It best to start of something small, like summoning something like a certain food or a pet. Then go for something a little bigger, like try to see your surroundings the way to see them, whether it being outside in the middle of the day or just being in your bedroom. Within your first several times, I recommend doing smaller things like this before being adventurous and thinking of more complex things. ✨Unsure whether or not you're awake? Do a reality check.✨ A reality check is pretty much self explanatory, and you're just basically checking if you're dreaming or not. A little habit I developed was that I take a look at my surroundings and see if there's something off, anything out of the ordinary. It could be done rearrangement of furniture in my room, certain sounds being heard, whatever I'm doing like floating or sitting upside down on my ceiling... More likely in dreaming. ✨Still unsure? Try something else and make it a habit!✨ I've read that every time you walk through a door entrance, tap each of your fingers with your thumb and count (1, 2, 3, 4.) and ask yourself if you're dreaming. Every time you do that, the more you realize that you are dreaming. It should just hit you, just a sudden realization like, "Oh man, I'm dreaming!' πŸ’€πŸ‘€πŸ’€πŸ‘€πŸ’€πŸ‘€πŸ’€πŸ‘€πŸ’€πŸ‘€πŸ’€πŸ‘€πŸ’€ That's pretty much what I know about lucid dreaming! Please share your thoughts and experiences and tell me what's that one dream you can never forget. Good luck!

AI generated interpretation Since dreams are highly personal and subjective, analyzing them requires a deep understanding of the individual's life experiences, beliefs, and values. However, based on the content of this dream, it appears that the dreamer has a strong desire for control and exploration. Becoming a lucid dreamer represents a sense of empowerment and the desire to take charge of one's experiences, both awake and asleep. The dreamer mentions practicing habits and routine before sleep and focusing on physical exhaustion to help them achieve this state. This suggests that they are disciplined and determined to achieve their goals. Additionally, the dreamer mentions positive reinforcement, such as constantly reminding themselves that they will become a lucid dreamer, indicating a self-motivated and confident attitude. Overall, the dreamer's desire to control their dreams and explore new possibilities may reflect a need for control and adventure in their waking life.