I can do Water Magic

Date: 3/24/2018

By fluffytree

Dreamed I was at home in my room playing with water I had in a bottle. I was manipulating it with my mind and making it float out of the bottle and up into the air while I formed various shapes with it. It felt so realistic and so easy, as if it was something I could always do. I was aware that I recently learned how to do it and wondered why I hadn't bothered before. I also remember thinking how dream-like it felt because it was so easy and yet it didn't cross my mind that it was because I was actually dreaming. I showed my mom and sister and they were pretty impressed. I'm just like, 'yeah no big deal, just doing water magic like a boss wizard.' I noticed when I would mess with the water it would start taking on various iridescent colors at the edges only to go back to normal once I stopped. The dream started fading and I began shifting into random other ones like one where I was suddenly on some road driving with my grandmother, and another one where I was by myself driving near a freeway when I saw a car seemingly drive off a bridge into lots of moving traffic in an attempt to kill themselves. I heard a voice in my head saying that this is the price you ultimately pay for abusing magic and using it too much and how the woman inside started off exactly like me. I got kinda scared at that point and thought maybe I shouldn't mess around with this too much afterall then. Who knows how it's slowly affecting my psyche. I woke up shortly after that too. I felt kinda disappointed I didn't have water powers anymore though. Then again, I haven't actually tried irl... 🤔