Swimming pool? Pink unicorn cat? Pizza?

Date: 10/5/2019

By ItsABlackCat

I had this dream that was kind of lucid and ended short because it was after I had woken up, then fallen back asleep again. I was at my house, with my siblings and we were playing outside. Then my sister says something like “look! There’s V!” and this blonde-haired boy comes walking down the street with his mom, and I get all embarrassed because as a kid he flirted with me a bunch. He meets up with us and asks if there’s a pool anywhere nearby? And then he goes and tries to break into our neighbor’s backyard, which has a pool. For some reason everyone else joins in, including my parents and his mom. So I go too. When we get there we all strip and we have our bathing suits already on underneath our clothes, even me somehow. We get into this tiny pool in my neighbor’s yard. I’m all like ‘guys this is a bad idea’ and he says ‘it’s fine’ and then I just roll my eyes and get out and leave, through our backyard. The kid runs to meet me and starts flirting with me again, and idk how to feel about it. I don’t particularly mind it so of course my mind is like ‘you like him!’ but then I’m like ‘wait I’m a lesbian’ and then it starts getting lucid. I think, ‘would I fuck him or date him’ and my mind is like ‘well no...’ and I’m like ‘THEN WHY ARE YOU HITTING ME WITH FEELINGS IF IM NOT EVEN INTERESTED IN HIM FUCK OFF’ and my mind’s all like ‘geez’ but I stop thinking I like him which is good. Then the dream changes gear entirely. Me, my brother, my sister, and this kid are all training under this weirdass fighting/magic regime. We’re all seated outside of this temple, listening to secrets and how to advance and become true fighters or whatever, it reminds me of the kids learning to be Jedis only there’s so much more of us here. Some kids in my ‘group’ have white robes which means they get to advance first and I’m jealous even though it’s just alphabetical order. Then something happens and a magical pink unicorn cat (don’t ask I don’t even know) steals all the pizza in the world. I go home and ask my parents how and they explain that all pizza is like the Internet; it has to come through space to get to us. This unicorn cat thing had stolen it all while it was in space. The unicorn cat had also streamed a live video to televisions everywhere saying what she did. I realized, at that moment, that I had to go get the pizza back. If it were in a movie, it would be the equivalent of the main character sacrificing themself for the greater good. Like it was hilariously intense. I went to my room and started getting ready and the kid from earlier begged me not to go. I told him I had to. Then the lights started flickering, I travelled into this room where there was a large fake field full of grasses and trees, and this one lady in a desk in the center. I asked to go to space and she came up, all proper, and said ‘payment please.’ I held out this rare magical bracelet of mine. She said ‘thank you,’ didn’t take the bracelet, and uppercutted me so hard I flew into space. When I was there I saw the unicorn cat thing eating all the pizza. The dream ended there and I honestly don’t know what to say. If anyone has any idea wtf any of this means that would be helpful, although I’m thinking this is just another one of those random nonsense dreams.