My family in a video game including brother who passed away

Date: 3/5/2025

By randybobandy

My family and I were inside a video game that my dad had been playing. There were three boss fights left, two smaller bosses and one huge boss so he needed help. The game allowed you to revive characters for help but instead of reviving he imported me and my brothers. However, he had a surprise. He claimed he revived his son, my brother Josh who passed away in real life. I instantly was doubtful because I don’t believe there’s anything after this. Josh proceeded to show up as a character, and when he spoke it was his voice, but I assumed it was some kind of AI model that studied Josh and not actually Josh. However my dad and my other brothers were instantly fully convinced. As we progressed through the first two bosses I started to wonder if it was really him. He seemed so real. In the final map I got distracted and wandered off while my family talked and planned. I started exploring and came across a bunch of abandoned cars. Suddenly the cars started moving of their own accord and I got hit and killed. I was so embarrassed and didn’t know what I was gonna tell my dad. I was so scared that my death would ruin the entire game or make him have to start over and potentially lose Josh’s character as well.