Suicidal Spectacle

Date: 12/1/2022

By leOneironaut

I was at work, decided to leave the forklift to go get some water when I heard a weird noise and saw people gathering around and looking up. It was someone crying on the last floor, it was scandalous, like it was coming straight from the soul, deepest sadness ever seen or something like that. It was Naiara and Antonia, they were up there, crying out loud, when they noticed that they got everyone's attention they moved to the front side of the the mezzanine and announced something. They would commit suicide, everyone got shocked, no one knew what to do. Then they stopped crying and suddenly changed their emotions, like it was a good thing, they were smiling of joy. The place wasn't looking like the company anymore, it was like a cliff, about 11 meters high and had dirt everywhere. Naiara didn't took long and jumped, no one could believe, she didn't make it to the ground and only broke her legs, the pain must have been horrible but the crying wasn't worse than before. The people just couldn't take any actions, no one knew what to do. It was Antonia's turn, she was making a speech but I couldn't understand her, all I could pay attention to was he face, she was really pretty, her skin was shiny, her eyes were bright, as if they were full of hope, the way her lips moved, I couldn't stop wondering why she was doing that. She jumped as if she was at those olympic games, beautifully, a spectacle. But when she hit the ground it wasn't that pretty, she broke her neck and started agonizing, truly difficult to watch. I couldn't just ignore that like everyone else, I got near her and tried to calm her down, no success of course. Then something happened, she faded away and turned into just a injured kitten, I got so confused but took care of it anyway. The feline knew she was in good hands.