Date: 7/18/2019
By Brighter_daes
I was being abused by my “dad” because he blamed me for my moms death. I was hiding outside in the dark because he came home drunk. Then I found Dean and Sam in our backyard and I apparently watched Supernatural in my dream so I thought they were fucking wack jobs. Once they convinced me they were legit they gave me this fucking telescope or some shit to look out for them and help them. Suddenly the police started coming so I told them the police were coming and to hide while I tried to hide outside to avoid my father. This fucking giant spider centipede thing attacked me and threw me against the door so I decided fuck it dads better than this shit. I ran inside and my father was asleep so I quickly ran up to my room. Suddenly it was day and I was at school. That just consisted of me crushing on this dude. Then it was close to the end of the day and we usually talked before i went home but he didn’t show up. I assumed he just blew me off but apparently my father kidnapped him for not making him food yesterday. We were in my pool that wasn’t there earlier I kept telling my father to please don’t hurt him. I was a little ways away from them when my father tried to hit him so I grabbed him and yanked him away. I hid him behind me and kept telling my father not to hurt me or him with my hand up in the air like a barrier. He slapped my hand down and then tried to slap me so I fucking punched him in his nose. I heard a crack but I wasn’t done. I repeatedly punched his temple till he passed out. I then fucking grabbed the dude and ran away. The last thing I remember was running up to my room and balling up crying saying it’s okay to cry and I wanted to wail but after years of silent crying I couldn’t. I kept say I’m proud I survived him so long I’m proud I made it thorough and that I’m leaving tonight. Then I woke up.