Date: 6/12/2019
By pearlgardeninchains
For starters, my dream was pretty weird. In this dream, I was an extremely depressed, super suicidal, almost emotionless, life-hating, drug addict freak. I was a horrible mess. My dad had bad trust issues with me ,so it made it all worse. Later on, I got some weed lmao and was trying to hide it. My dad almost found out, and he was extremely suspicious too- he kept asking what I was hiding . There were multiple close calls. And then, one day, I decided that I was absolutely done with life. I made this whole elaborate, bloody, horrifying, and awful suicide plan. As I got to the final step, something happened (I think someone came in and stopped whatever was going to make the last part of the suicide attempt happen) and the whole plan was ruined. I survived, but I was in horrible condition. My whole family came rushing in and had these extremely sad expressions on their faces. It was kinda heart breaking. Later on, I think I went through some sorta therapy thing idk, but I got more drugs or somethin’. I kept trying to do it no matter what, but my dad kept walking in before I could do it. I was extremely desperate for it and kept reaching for it. My dad got suspicious so I said “hehe I’m just looking for something! I have no clue where it’s at though!!” lmao. He believed it I think. A little bit later, my grandma warned me about a tarantula and a big spider crawling around the place I was in ( I had this box that was like my room/house that I stayed in most of the dream). I had this like thing where I remembered seeing similar spiders in a different situation or something like that. I still stayed in my box though, but, trust me, I was terrified nothing the less. As I tried one last time to reach for my drugs, I saw THIS HUGE SPIDER RIGHT THERE AND I SCREAMED AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS “AAaaaahHHhhh YOU WERE RIGHT!!!!!111!! SPIdEr!!11” and other stuff lmao. I heard my grandma say “knew it would happen” and then the dream was over lmao. T h e e n d.