Mountain grandma

Date: 3/17/2021

By darlinglolita

I had such a weird dream that’s already escaping me. It’s 2:32 PM. I had a dream that I was goin fupa some kind of Rocky Mountain with two “roads” or “bridges” on each side made of rock. It was split apart. I think I was on this mountain with my family. My grandma was there too and she was wearing a black turban? And possibly black robes. She was pushing a cart with boxes inside I think. I was walking with her but somehow she got far ahead of me and we got separated. She disappeared into the fog up the mountain. One of the boxes in her cart fell out. My niece who is 2 or 3 years old at this time picks up the box and drops it again and it rolls down the rocky bridge to me. Suddenly there’s ogres (?) or some kind of tribal monsters or warriors that honestly look like they belong in Breath of the Wild charging towards us on both sides of the mountain trying to attack. My whole family is there but I’m the only one near the box and my niece. But I think I only remember seeing my brother in law and sister and they throw me a weapon. It becomes clear I have to save my niece and deliver the box to my grandma. One of my family members throws me a weapon, something like a Stonehenge looking axe and I push my niece away into cover or safety and I run towards the line/stampede on the right side of the mountain and I’m throwing them off the ledge one by one and using the axe while holding the box. I think I also hop back and forth between the sides to fight them off? Anyway, at one point I think I get rid of all the enemies but then arrows start falling from the air and I think my weapon breaks or it drops into the mountain abyss after fighting the enemies and getting stuck in one body that fell over (?) so I put my left arm over my head and the majority of arrows miss me but 1 or 3 or 3 get stuck in my left forearm. It hurts and I pull them out. As I’m getting closer to the top of the mountain the right ledge starts to crumble and I have to make a very risky hop or jump to the other side. My foot lands on one rock piece sticking out and I almost fall but make it on. Finally, I make it all the way up to the mountain. I ended some kind of hut that looks like a mix between a classroom or a lab or honestly some kind of forest ranger radio tower. Or a cabin. Or some kind of Asian temple or hit you would find on top of a himalayan mountain or something. And as soon as I walk in suddenly I’m a. small child. Everything is really foggy by the way like we’re in the clouds. Inside the room is my grandma but she looks different. She looks like she’s in black and white. Honestly everything looks black and white and grey maybe because of the fog. Also, she doesn’t look like my grandma. She looks younger and she looks like a 1950s hollywood glamour movie actress with her hair in that sort of curly hair style and she has a different name that starts with “W?” For some reason I’m getting a name like “Walfre.” She’s looking outside the window and I approach her from behind with the box. She doesn’t turn around to look at me but knows I’m there without me stating my presence and she says something like “you’re not suppose to be here yet.” The rest of the conversation if there was one is escaping me now. I put the box on the table behind her and I go to leave. She turns around and looks into a mirror (?) at herself and she says something to me as I’m leaving that I can’t remember that sounds like “There are 10 dimensions but I’m glad to have been in one of them right now to hate you?” At least that’s what i think she said. Maybe she said know or love. In a sort of wistful and sarcastic but nice way? It’s like she kind of whispers it to herself but it’s directed at me. I look back at her one last time and I think I say “ok grandma” and just leave. Also I think there was a flamingo in my dream. That’s all.