Date: 3/17/2021
By LaurenTheFierce
Lol so I remember getting like some butterfly tattoos on my stomach? Then after, I went and hung with these girls. We were dancing in the middle of a forest. A tiger came by us, but we scared it away? After that some dude came over and we gave him like a presentation on feminism. It was weird though and oddly done. Seemed a little anti-feminist in a way too, so I decided to leave. I ran off to get water. Suddenly, I found a water fountain in this field. However, a large game of Steal the Treasure was being played on the field, and a lot of the people who were playing the game formed a line in front of the fountain. Regardless, I began to walk across the field to get water. Suddenly though, I found a belt around my waste. I was a blue belt in red territory, causing a bunch of reds to come after me. Panicking, I took the belt off and bolted. When I got the line for water though, it way longer than before. So, I turned away and walked back into the game. Now on the complete other side of the field, I walked past this storage building, and run into my old English teach Mr. Rud. We had a small conversation. “Sith” he sneered. “Jedi” I corrected him. “Whatever” he waved me off. After that, I then continued over to these other buildings. That’s when I found my local Donut Kingdom. Though there were more tables and chairs outside of it. Still, I then found my best friend, Jazmin.