It's a feeling

Date: 9/9/2021

By Bito

I was in a gymnasium and it was dark. The lights had a brown tint to them. It made the whole place look old. Reminded of my elementary school. There were all sorts of mats, bars and platforms around the whole gym. The kid in me came out and just went for it. Never done any gymnastics so I just improvised. There was so much fun in jumping around and doing what ever came natural. There were other like-minded adults too. I was having a blast until someone came into the gym. He busted through these massive double doors. The light coming through reminded me how dark the place was. He got everyone to follow him out. I think he was an instructor. Buff and burly with a whistle and a clip board. Had to be an instructor/coach or something like that. I was having too much fun so I lagged behind. Me and some other guy were the last to group up with the rest of people. The instructor led us out of the gym and past the double doors the building was totally different. Huge windows were letting in so much light and everything was white and super clean. We went up these stairs in a line and I felt like we were going on forever. I was in the back and about two people away from me was this girl. She would look back at me as we're all ascending and as soon as she realizes I see her, she looks away. When I saw her at first, I thought to myself she looks exactly like carebear but it couldn't possibly be her. She looks back again and this time I see her face almost clearly and it was definitely carebear. Just the way first remember seeing her years ago. She was alive. But I saw her only for a second because she looked away again as soon as I caught her gaze. I was in denial but I had to make sure. I didn't yell out to her. No, instead began to run up the stairs. Before I know what's what, I'm at the top and the group is gone. Only me and one other guy were left behind. The top floor we reached was dim like the gym. To my left, a long empty corridor and a door on my right. I open the door that's already within arms reach to see if that's where the group went but there was no one in there. But as I opened the doors, the smell of rotting wood smacked me in the face. The place looked like a smaller, older version of the gym we came from. I quickly closed the doors again and told the guy I was with to not open those doors. We went down the corridor and at the end was a glass room. I could see a few of the people from our group and the instructor. We joined them and they were doing some acrobatics. The instructor told me and the guy behind me to get in line and I watched as the person in the front of the line jump across a huge gap, grab one of these dangling ring things that would then meet a huge ball pendulum. As soon as he grabs the ring, he has to let go to grab the huge ball. They would then drop to the bottom and meet the rest of the group. When it was my turn, I was confident. I just had to time everything right. But as I jumped, I could still feel my feet as though I didn't jump. I ended up loosing my grip and fell onto the mats below. It was kinda humiliating, but then I remembered carebear and I had to find her. There were too many people and I don't remember seeing her again.