Mental Hospital

Date: 2/6/2020

By ItsABlackCat

I had a dream my parents sent me back to the mental hospital I went to, only when I arrived there were a ton more people there. There were like five girls per room instead of two, and the dayroom was packed. In the dream I was getting dressed in the room with a bunch of other girls, two girls I knew from my previous visit (Lee and Carly) but the others I didn’t know. I was trying not to just. Strip in front of all of them. So I kind of slipped on a bra under my shirt and put it on underneath my pajamas. It got really hot in the room though and soon I was sweating, even my forehead had a sheen of sweat on it like I was just finished exercising (which is weird because I don’t even sweat when I exercise in real life) and I muttered “wow it’s so hot in here, I’m literally sweating” and wiped my forehead with my forearm. The bra was hard to put on under the shirt especially with all the sweat all over my body which was making it slide and stick to weird places. Eventually I just took off my shirt, turned around and put it on, but I’m pretty sure one or two of the girls saw me naked. Which wouldn’t be weird except for the fact that 90% of the girls in this place (including me) are gay so... yeah. I slipped on the bra and pulled some new jeans on really quickly, and loaded a ton of deodorant on my underarms hoping I wouldn’t smell, although I was still covered in sweat. It was almost pleasant because it didn’t smell, it was cool in comparison to how hot it was everywhere else and it was kind of satisfying, in a weird way. Anyways a few of the girls were looking at me in a very gay way but to be honest I wasn’t horny at the moment and didn’t want to fuck just yet, so I kind of pretended I didn’t notice them eyeing me up and just kept getting dressed. I barely had any shirts but I was hot as fuck so I looked around in my bag for something cool to wear. All I had was a big black sweatshirt; a short, pink, ruffly crop top; and a light purple, ruffly, off-the-shoulder crop-top. I ended up putting on the pink crop-top, even though I normally didn’t wear stuff like it, I was so hot it felt good. I was surprised to see I looked good in it, with the jeans and the crop top mixed I actually kind of rocked it. Except for the fact that my stomach was covered in doodles from when I got bored. Little faces, butterflies and flowers were drawn in marker over my abs. I got water from the sink to try and wash it off and it mostly worked. At this point, most girls had left and I heard the staff call my name to tell me to come to breakfast. I called back “coming!” and considered putting on the purple shirt instead. Then a group of guys walked by and kind of eyed me up, which made me feel like throwing up because I didn’t want the attention I was just hot. Literally, I was still sweaty. I wiped my forehead again and one of the girls still in the room told me to stop doing that because it was hot and it wasn’t fair that I could be so hot when we couldn’t fuck. I got kind of uncomfortable because she was cute and ended up saying, “who says we can’t fuck?” Then the dream ended.