Date: 12/14/2019
By Fitful
I was in a school, gliding around the hallways. Typical high-school but the hallways seemed endless, a amze of those awful walls and floors and lockers. This girl was into me, suddenly and unexpected. I was very self conscious and I didn't think much of my appearance so her interest felt wrong. She was this hot blonde and asked me to get a drink with her. She worked in the bar. There was a bar in the middle of the school. I went there, to the bar at the appropriate time but I felt so out of place, not liking alcohol or people or dates, I left. Later she found me out on the grounds. I told her why I left and she understood. We had a walking date instead. I lost my hat and coat. I missed my hat a lot. I think she really wanted to kiss me but we never got there. Something made her go away. ~ I was living in a large room, sometimes it was a house, and it was in a family home. But it was huge, white and clearly part of a second or third story. It was full of furniture, some of it broken, all of it brown. I was so happy to have furniture. I felt like I hadn't had it in a long time. I wanted to paint it all black. I set up the room til it was perfect. This room resembled a child's room. It was annoying. Like it had been mine maybe one long ago. But I think it hadn't been, maybe it belonged to some other child. Anyway I was here for a bit, living my life. And by the time things came to a head it was full of comic books. A sister came in my room, adult loud bossy thing, when I wasn't there and that is how they found out I was gay. She looked at one of my comics and just knew. Then my family turned on me. I was suddenly emprisoned on the room by a gay guy who had to persecute me as part of his own retribution. He was a bit lazy about it but I had to sit at a table near the door and the rest of the room was left in darkness. Lots of guilt trip for being gay was laid on me. I didn't really get it. I was polite but I refused those belief systems waispy. I didn't buy into the religious fervor. Some executioner named Jesus Executioner was called, a fat fellow in a black robe and a head like a scyth, and then there was an angel which ahd been some dude reprimanding me but turned it into an angel with 6 or 8 wings and flew up on a beam of light. I heard the wings more than I saw it but the family was in awe and more convinced they were right. The gay guy persecuting me told me about his persecution and how he had to play a game on this old board game and it showed him his errors. He pulled it out, a long black box with What is the Root of Your Anger? Written on it. I asked him to play with me but he was supposed to be watching and couldn't. I still didn't buy the gay is bad thing but I was interested in the game.