Date: 7/23/2016
By JayJayLin
There was a school located on a frosty forested mountain, and it had these cool glass slides connecting each classroom. I was wearing an expensive black watch on my left hand, and I was told by this watch to go around breaking as many pencils as i could and take their erasers. The watch kept count of how many pencils I broke. After a few minutes, I had around 24 erasers so far but I needed to get 30 to win the prize money, so I calmly walked into a classroom that had only 2 guys in it. However, they got pissed and tried to stab me with their pencils so I ran out and into a slide that led to a lower floor. I fell out of the slide and into a outdoor hallway, where I could see the mist and trees. The guys stopped chasing me, I think. Ahead of me was a set of huge, ornate, heavy-looking doors. They were open so I walked through them. Suddenly I found myself standing in front of a grand piano in a fancy room with velvet furniture and Victorian decor. People were seated in rows; some had crossed arms and some were young children kicking their legs against the wooden chair, waiting for me to play. I sat down and played some random chord progressions and improvs, which then slowly morphed into a really sad and nostalgic melody, and when I looked back up to see their reaction, they were all crying silently and it was kind of awkward so I stopped. Out of nowhere, a friend of mine appeared next to the piano. He leaned close and said, "Thanks! Today's my birthday." Feeling bad for not bringing him a birthday present, I reach into my pocket for the 24 pencil erasers and gave them to him. To my surprise, he hurriedly grabbed them and swallowed all 24. Then, in front of the piano and the audience, he fell down and didn't move.