Digital art, Dall-E, generate an image of a person lost and disoriented in a bustling city, encountering sandcastle-building thugs, attending a fancy party, narrowly escaping violence, and eventually stumbling upon a secret underground lab with plants and scientific equipment, all while recovering from drug-induced hallucinations and injuries sustained throughout the night.

Sand castle⏳🏰, Parties🥳, and the Mad Lab👩‍🔬🔫💊

Date: 6/25/2021

By ChefRiggs

The dream started with me driving out in the evening to meet up with my friend Ariana to hang out but I realized was too way high for some reason. She was waiting in her car for me but I took to long and got lost trying to find her. While looking for her car I walked through several buildings all connected. There was a medical restaurant, an arcade, and a huge sporting place with sand volleyball, ping pong, other outdoor lawn games. After I found my car again I saw that she had left and got a call from my friend Chris to meet up. He said he was across the street at the sand place so I walked over there. There was a huge sand castle five stories high with several levels of pools towering down from the base. There were maybe 100 people building this giant sand castle with sand dug out from tunnels underneath it that you had to climb into to get to the top. I find Chris and climb to the top but the crowd is a bunch of rough thug types and fights start breaking out with Chris joining in defending me against one or two punks. I try to climb down but I’m disoriented from the high. I’m sitting pool of water near the sandcastle and a few people try to steal my phone and wallet so I put them in my pockets under water hoping it’ll be fine when I get out. I get out and try to find my car but I can’t. As the sun goes down and day turns to night crazy parties are breakout everywhere. I run into Luke from St. Louis and some of his friends. I explain I’m lost, high, and alone so they tell me to tag along with them to a party help me figure out I’m in a town called Tonganoxie. I go to classy party with them and have a few drinks but apparently it was invite only so I leave with them. I forget my shoes in the fancy house and go back in but when I come out they are gone. I’m super cross faded at this point or possibly roofied because everything is spinning and I can barely stand let alone move my legs but I keep going I set my stuff down to catch my breathe. A sketchy guy gets pissed thinking I’m littering when I set my things down and breaks my a few of the bottles I was carrying yelling that I should throw them away so pick them up and cut my hands open all over. I stumble to throw them away and show him my bloody hands and he’s surprised. I apologize and tell him I’m high and he offers me PCP but I decline. He doesn’t take no for an answer and shows me a needle and tries to stab me so I run. As I’m walking through a crowd I hear a commotion and a guy passing me hands me a burnt envelope with his name and takes off. I read it noticing the name says Michael but the rest is scorched off. I remember talking to the man in a cafe while I was lost before about something. As I keep walking I see a man staring at me and pointing something at me that looked sort of like a gun so I walk past trying not to draw attention to myself. I hear a shot and someone falls in front of me. People scatter and I turn around to grab him with several others but he gets away after I let them hold him. It was a diversion and after making it up the stairs I hear a series of machine guns go off and glass break as they fire into the buildings and crowds of people. The people clear out for the most part and I decided to go back to the cafe to find the man Michael who gave me the paper. I find him sitting at a table talking with his associates and we discuss things (ancient beings, symbols, and other relevant conspiracies) from what I gather he’s a pretty sophisticated journalist. I meet his friend (a girl thats knowledgeable about certain information) and we walk outside. As soon as we reach the street corner a bloated man runs up barely able to speak. (Apparently michael and his friends know the man) He gasps for air and desperately lets out his last words “baby tears”. The mans chest and stomach swells and bursts in a bloody mess of dissolving organs. His friends try to figure out what he meant but I found a cart of herbs and plants. The cart of plants all had labels on them, maybe he meant a cure for the swelling or poison that killed him. With my previous knowledge of plants I know that baby tears are a type of ground cover but it’s not poisonous so I assume he came looking for a cure for whatever plagued his body. I follow his friends and the girl down a dark ally under the street where the man came running from. We enter through a large steel door and find a lab of strange plants and grow lights. As we explore we hear men approaching and we’re chased. The men were hard of hearing and had facial deformities. After grabbing a few of our group, more men show up in milcorp uniforms with guns and take away the rest our group. I hide from the soldiers behind a plant and watch them drag away my new friends but one of the scientist with the men spots me and calmly tells me to come out. I reluctantly show myself and she explains to me that they are actually good guys preventing terrorism and trying to heal the world. While explain their company and research she treats the wounds on my body and hands from the night leading up to this point. She tells me my group is using me and had a tracker in my head. She puts a drill to my temple and begins drilling into my skull. I could feel the vibrating and pain of the bit in my head. I feel warm fluid drips down the side of my head and the pressure subside as she pulls the bloody drill out. She puts the tip into a jar and it drops a small metal pill a no bigger than a grain of rice. She escorts me outside the lab where I see several large milcorp vehicles parked outside in front of the entrance. I ask to keep the tracker so she gives me the jar and let’s me go. As I walk down the street I see a man I recognized on all fours with a huge bloated head and a sagging neck. He was eating grass and garage off the ground. He just watched me as I walked by and grunted a bit as he chewed his scraps. Shortly after, I run into the (knowledgable) girl that was friends with Michael and she really looked sick with dark veins popping from her neck and head. She was exhausted and strained from whatever sickened her. She said she was back for the plants to cure her after they let her go. I helped her back in the steel door but as we open it another girl that was with up was there. She said they took her over the border and kicked her out no explanation but she made it back. I show them the chip the scientist gave me and they say the milcorp lied to us. So we go back in to investigate the lab further. Alarms start blaring as we enter the lab and I wake up realizing it’s just my alarm clock going off.

AI generated interpretation When analyzing dreams, it is important to view the symbols and actions within them as representations of the individual's subconscious. The dream you have described seems to be a reflection of several conflicting and confusing feelings and experiences. The dream starts with you feeling disoriented and lost. This could be representative of your current state of mind or a feeling of being lost in your life's direction. The buildings you pass through representing different facets of your life, such as the medical-restaurant, arcade, and sporting place. This may suggest that you feel scattered and unsure which direction to take. The sandcastle represents a temporary structure that is quickly destroyed by the rough, thug-like people. These individuals can represent your perceived difficulties in your social life or feeling threatened by people you encounter. The struggle for control in the party and the violent outburst can represent your fear of being out of control in your life situations. The encounter with the man who tries to give you drugs and stabs you with the needle might reflect your fear of not being able to control the negative influences around you. The note that you received from Michael can represent a hidden message or piece of information that you hope to retrieve about yourself or your situation. The lab that you find after being chased by men with facial deformities represents a hidden aspect of yourself that is unknown to you and that you may need to explore to find answers to your confusion. The drill in your head can represent a fear of change or fear of self-discovery. The metal pill that is extracted by the scientist could represent a potential solution, but you are hesitant about the information you have learned through the experience. The final scene where the girl is sick and the alarm goes off suggests that you may feel trapped in your current situation and are in search of a way out of your confusions. Overall, the dream seems to reflect your current state of mind as you face confusion and a fear of losing control in life situations. It may be helpful to explore these feelings more in-depth with a therapist or journaling to have clarity and direction in your life.