Zombies 4th of july

Date: 7/5/2019

By Sinsanatis

Hanging out at gabrielino field with some people during fourth of july until sundown came and we started seeing some zombies come out of nowhere. We found guns and it was all dark with only some lamp posts with wet ground everywhere. It came down to only me and my cousin and we were all out of weapons. We ran as fast as we could, into the closed dark shops. Sprinting throughout the dark and slightly purple lit hallways. Making turns to avoid running into and zombies. Eventually we got out of the buildings and found a car and got in. Drove for a little bit until we stopped and noticed how in our area the fireworks stopped but off in the distance there was still a little bit. We drove towards that way until we saw a huge flame in the streets. In front of the flames could be seen of silhouettes of people getting mauled by zombies. I immediately told my cousin to turn the headlights off so they wouldnt notice us. It was too late and we had to speed out of there. Next thing i know its daytime and we are in these wooden dock apartments near the beach in the water. We were driving on rooftops and such chasing this biker gang, seeing the main people being this older guy with white hair and beard and a younger blond woman. Both parties realizing we meant no harm we stopped and joined together. The man was auggy and the the girl was his niece beth. Everyone else being the rest of his gang. They also had a very smart golden retriever with them and it was like family to them. Everyone except me and the dog went off on a small expedition. I was fine by myself until 2 zombies popped out of nowhere and i had to fend them off without any weapons. Mainly swing my keys as to not get to close and bitten. After a while of struggling swings and kicks i relaxed, but only to realize the dog had been bitten. It wasnt fully turned and came up to me, as if knowing completely what was going on. The dog was accepting fate and wanted me to kill it. I could see it in his eyes. The sorrow. He maintained his consciousness holding back not trying to bite me, but i could see his mind slipping. As i was beating it and fendin it off, everyone came back to see what i was doing. Auggy was in shock with his jaw dropped. We exchanged looks as i was beating and i gave an sad “im sorry” shake of my head to him. Auggys head immediately dropped, filled with emotions running wild. This completely crushed him. He told one of his men to end it. The man came over and smashed the dog over the head with a pipe. Auggy saw my keychain and realized i had a strange looking key and that it was very important. He knew it could help us but didnt know exactly how yet. Thats what was discovered on the expedition, someone who knew all the answers. Auggy announced to everyone in a, still emotional but authoritative, manner that we are going to finish all this. “For roadie(the retriever)” and he stormed ahead full speed on a jet ski into the water.