Really long lucid dream

Date: 9/6/2016

By Convitz1234

Realized I was dreaming in a big open field after seeing an exotic bird in the middle of Oregon. I don't think it was the bird that fully did it, rather I just realized I was dreaming. I looked at my hands to stabilize the dream. I willed Megan to come to the field after I was done looking at my hands. She came driving up in a small red car and she was smoking pot so I got in and smoked some making me slightly dream high. I asked her where her white spot was and she said her back. I said so since I asked where your white spot was (it was a lucid goal to try and ask Megan where a white spot was on her body to see if she could telepathically transfer information to me. Read lucid dreaming by Robert Waggoner to understand further) and she finished my thought saying "so you must be lucid dreaming" and like she just caught on we decided to go flying because outside the car where these big green foresty hills with red and yellow box houses on them and lovely mist hanging in the air. Our first attempt we sort of glided from the road to the ground below and she laughed as she got used to flying. Then I willed ourselves back the up to the road and I took her by the hand and we flew straight up to the misty clouds high above and then, holding hands we swooped down back to the hills below. After that she drove back to a luxury apartment of sorts. In the lobby there was an African statue of someone in a wheelchair and Megan commented it's funny how they're already in a wheelchair. Also a man was filming me in the lobby with a big tv camera and the footage was projecting on a big screen tv in the lobby. He said "hey semi-lucid. Are you semi lucid or fully lucidly aware bud?" I laughed and pointed at the tv realizing its absurdity. Then I replied "a little more than semi lucid. Why?" And he said "so I can fuck you" I should've laughed at this too because of its sheer absurdity but instead I scoffed off and he was like "ohh" like he took it too far. The apartment had red carpet and big modern looking red stairs. In Megan's room I had the slight goal of possibly making love with her in the room, but she was with a roommate who was a girl with short, almost buzzed blonde hair. I was very thirsty so i had water appear in my hand. The water didn't quench my thirst at all and my mouth was very dry. Then I woke up.