End of the world, but I want my packages

Date: 10/14/2021

By tiptipkitten

So it was an apocalypse. I can't remember how it started, but I think it was aliens. I went out to get packages because some reason it was a really big priority of mine. I stopped by one lil post office type thing and befriended the man worker there... This is after I noticed he has a gun safe. I of course needed a gun for safety reasons, so I grabed the one in the Bob Ross case, and the ammo case that matched it. Afterwards, I needed to get a second package. I told my new friend I'll be back for him, then made my way the the other post office down the street while everyone is in panic. I walk in and there's this big ol line for packages. I waited for a bit after having a scuffle with someone trying to cut in front of me. Once I got to the front, I was awkward as ever, but the girl handed me my "package" for some reason it was just the loose item. Which was a cheap necklace from some sort of ghibli movie. There's a gap in my memory. But I was with a group of teenagers (which I was a part of now) and we were at the top of an old, incredibly high building. Inside though. So it was a drop off until the bottom floor way below. I was wondering what were doing, and they gave the activity some sorta funky nickname that I can't remember. The activity was jumping to the wall over the gap, and using it to somehow slow your fall to what would probably be your death down below. Eventually everyone did it. Another memory gap Me and the other teenagers are in some sorta house, being hunted. At one point we hide under my bed and while we do that I riffle through my bob Ross gun case. I find an incredibly small pistol with the magazine already in. I think I tried to shoot someone, and that's when I realized the magazine didn't have any ammo. I went through the ammo case and found one that was already full then popped that in the gun. While I was doing all this, little things about the gun kept falling off, and I just popped them back on. Eventually the bad guy found us, and I can't remember if we were fighting them, or cowering. I pleaded that I havnt even gotten to wear my new necklace yet, and that I rarely ever wear jewelry. this threw them for a second. Eventually, after the fighting that was apparently going on, I remembered that we all had super powers, I yelled out something like 'guys, were all a bunch of overpowered angry teens'. Then using my powers I pulled one of the bag guys into the group, effectively burying him alive, or just crushing him to death. The fight with those bad guys ended pretty quickly, and I asked everyone where the electric teen went. They mentioned he got away fairly early. That's all I can remember