Sylvester Stalone Pet Sanctuary

Date: 4/9/2017

By Y0Universe

I was in Italy and I found a nesting sugar glider and two of its babies... so I took it into some sort of pet sanctuary because apparently letting it be in nature wasn't good enough. The babies sugar gliders were so adorable and non-aggressive. I was thinking about keeping one for a pet but didn't know if I wanted the added responsibility. So I met up with my friend Sylvester Stalone. He loved the sugar gliders like I did. And the more we played with them the more I grew attached to one of them that I decided to call Shaman. I realized they could all be sold to a bad home if I didn't give them a home. So I told Sylvester to I was going to keep Shaman and Sylvester said that the people running the sanctuary wanted $1100 for him. I scoffed "WTF I am the one who found them and brought them here in the first place?" So Sylvester and I went to meet the people in charge. I knocked in a big old door, and a bunch of men who were clearly in the mafia open the door. I tell them I wanted the Sugar Glider and they repeat the price. I was not sure what to do. Then they ask to see our identification if we wanted to enter. Sylvester Stalone presents his i.d. card and they all can't believe it is actually him. They took us in to see the sugar gliders. I started playing with Shaman and trying to figure out how I was going to smuggle him out. Meanwhile, Sylvester was all happy that the people were fans of his and was trying to figure out what genre to do next.