Date: 12/9/2017
By NiceDream
Ok, this was quite a vivid one from a few nights ago. I was out in the street with my dad and a few other people, when we noticed the sky getting dark and stormy. We thought it was just a normal storm at first, but then people started screaming. Through the clouds we could see aeroplanes falling out of the sky. There were also cars and other vehicles flying through the air, but the planes were obviously the biggest dangers. People started running for cover, but there wasn't really anywhere to hide as the planes completely demolished buildings as they came crashing down. I tried to stay with my dad but he ran off ahead and I lost him. Shortly afterwards I was with my best friend in what appeared to be a large aircraft hangar with loads of other survivors. We were being held in fenced areas waiting to be taken somewhere. There were still planes raining from the sky but we weren't allowed to move until it was time. A huge jumbo jet was heading right towards us and I tried to warn the people in charge but they still refused to let us move. I held my friend's hand and said that no matter what happened, we'd stay together. The huge jet crashed straight into our hangar, narrowly missing my friend and I but completely devastating the area around us. Even though we survived, the shock of the crash woke me up. Plane crashes/similar disasters seem to be a recurring theme in my dreams, I wonder if any dream experts would have any idea what this could mean? Maybe I've just watched too much Lost 😜