She's Back

Date: 6/18/2016

By Red Turtle

I could feel the soft patter of rain on the back of my neck, the sound though was beating heavy on the ground beneath my feet and the echo of thunder roared loudly. Yet I stood there dry and in total darkness. I began to run straight as fast as I could calling out to anyone that could hear me before I slipped falling unconscious. I am not sure how long I was out before coming to, but as I sat up and rubbed at the forming bump on the back of my head I squinted the pain feeling all to real. I laid back again, but before I was fully down the scent of wet pine and wood filled my senses and the darkness started to lighten. The once hard surface now soft and muddy. I jumped up scared that I would begin sinking into the ground, but realised that it wouldn't be the case. It didn't seem to get much lighter, but I was able to see my surroundings as I slowly walked through a wet and cold forest. Where was I? As if my questions were to be answered an elderly lady appeared before me. " You should have not have returned when you had. Now I must deal with you." As I get close to the elderly woman I recognize her from a previous dream. (( In the previous dream I was using the restroom and she stood outside my stall banging her cane on the bottom of the door yelling at me to hurry up and get out of the bathroom. Assuming she just had to go I finished and washed my hands and left the restroom. When I had realized I had left my phone in the restroom I went to retrieve it and as I stepped in the old woman stood there with her husbands head rinsing it off in the sink. Looking at me she warned that I would regret returning as she would make my life a nightmare. Then, is when I woke up.)) I shook my head and turned to run, but there she stood her black eye's smiling and her cracked lips turning up at the ends. As she quickly flung a rope around my neck I grabbed at it. I could feel it tightening and before long I felt myself fall chest down to the ground. The side of my face hitting ground and a baseball size rock busting my lip open. " There can me no loose ends. You are a threat my dear. My husband was practice. Practice for you my dear." I shudder as she started dragging me along the ground. I struggled to get up and pull back, but I was weak against this 83 year old woman. It seemed a short distance when she stopped and picked a larger rock up bashing me in the back of my head and again all was dark and eerily silent. "You can't save her. She will be back and I will be waiting." I took a long deep breath as I woke up. Sweat dripping down my forehead. My hands moving to my neck before sighing in relief, but failed to get much sleep for the rest of the night.