Adventure [8/18/19]

Date: 8/18/2019

By BlueMoon

In this dream, I had a little brother named Fenris. He and I, along with another girl who was a bit younger than me (Alta) had to travel to this other dimension (which was almost a copy of Earth) and do... something. As lame as it sounds, I literally don’t know why we were there. When we began our journey, we had to travel through water. It was a lake or an ocean I believe, but slightly altered. The water was perfect and beautiful, and there was countless colorful marine life. At one point, I saw a beast of sorts lurking off a small cliff. We were still in relatively bright, shallow water. She had the body of a snake, or an eel, with a more humanoid face and fins of a shark. In hindsight, it sounds creepy, but in the dream I found her beautiful. But I did not trust her. The... eel-woman... approached me and spun a tale of woe and mistrust. I sympathized with her, caught under a spell or hypnosis of sorts. She got closer and closer, revealing another mouth, elongated and with sharp teeth. At this I hesitated, her charm still working. But I knew something was wrong, so I kicked her away and the “beautiful” facade faded. She had transformed into a hideous tentacled monster, with melted grey skin and numerous dark eyes. She hissed and retreated back over the ledge. I returned to Fenris and Alta and we continued on the way. Somehow, our miniature submarine of sorts is caught and we are transported (???) to a ...roller coaster. Don’t ask me. This roller coaster takes us out of the water in loops and twirls, and I can spot the shore nearby. It is lush, with thriving green plantlife, small, colorful houses and sandy white beaches. At the end of the roller coaster, which finishes by a small dock, we all jump out. Someone is standing on the dock, giving us a cheerful smile. They hold their hands behind their back, and wear simple clothing. I don’t trust this person either, but I don’t say that yet. They see us a “newcomers” to the region and begin with a friendly conversation. But when it is randomly revealed that Alta has some sort of unknown magical powers, the stranger quickly turns on us and summons a fleet of sharp-teeth guards. We flee. ————— When the dream continues, we have found a suburban house that should be safe territory. Don’t know how we figured this. Funny thing is, the house is actually my house. My real house. Anyways, we go to the front door, a trio of hungry kids looking for a place to spend the night. For whatever reason, the couple living there agrees and graciously welcomes us to their home. They have five dogs. I tell them, “When I am older, this is exactly what I want. Five dogs!” And we all laugh together. I look out a window into the sky. It is dark, with looming blue-grey skies promising a night with thunderstorms. However, pink and red lights flash and illuminate the horizon, telling of drones supervising overhead. They are looking for us. Suddenly, I realize my little brother is gone. This part of the dream is funny... “Alta!” I am frantic. “What?” “My brother! I don’t see where he is!” At this she looks puzzled. “The... the kid who was with us?” Her voice is hesitant and I groan in frustration. “Alta, don’t you remember his name?” I am angry at her, but, conveniently, I don’t remember his name either. Eventually I do recall his name, and we manage to find him. At this, we spend the night and have to leave in the morning. Woken up. ~